Bellringer 9/24 Were you breastfed or bottle fed when you were young?
Bellringer 9/21 Why is it important to burp a baby?
Assignment Read the following case study and answer the questions that follow. Please use your own paper and do not write on the handouts!
Objectives The purpose of this presentation is to: 1. Discuss the two main methods for feeding the newborn infant
Baby’s First Year of Life Growth and Development Rapid growth and development Opportunity to Teach good eating habits Develop positive feelings about food and caregivers Most infants will triple their birth weight by 12 months
Purpose of Mealtimes Communication Socialization Giving and receiving love Sharing personal values Celebration Physical growth and health Sensory exploration Relaxation, habit
Feeding Relationship Feeding is a reciprocal relationship that depends on the abilities and characteristics of both the parent and the child. (Ellyn Satter)
Responsibility of Caregiver Decides the type of food (human or commercial) Provides appropriate flow rate of milk Feed the baby promptly when hungry Offers bottle at appropriate angle Minimizes distractions during meal
Responsibility of Infant Gives permission for nipple to enter mouth Uses mealtime social pauses Let’s caregiver know when it’s time for burping Stops eating when full
How Often to Breastfeed? Nurse every 2 hours. In the first few days Milk is low in volume High in nutrients Baby will have 1 or 2 wet diapers a day
How Often to Breastfeed? After milk supply has increased Baby should have 5 to 6 wet diapers every day 3 to 4 dirty diapers every day
How Much Formula? MonthFluid Ounces per Day Feedings per Day Fluid Ounces per Feeding 0 to116 – 20 oz oz 1 to 218 – 26 oz – 4 oz
Correct Bottle Feeding Position Infant should be Cuddled Held in a semi-upright position during feeding Why? Reduces fluid from pooling at the back of the throat and entering tubes from the middle ear.
Incorrect Bottle Feeding Position Hazards of infant self feeding Choking Overfeeding Inability to bond with caregiver
Don'ts of Bottle Feeding Do not prop the bottle (self feeding) Do not allow baby to carry bottle around Do not allow the baby to keep bottle in mouth while asleep Do not put cereal or sweet drinks
Burping Done during and after feeding Wait until baby stops drinking Hold baby in one of two positions (shoulder or lap) Gently stroke/pat back Why Burp? Releases stomach gas Prevents regurgitation
Infant Feeding in Emergencies Breastfeeding is best If Formula IS Necessary… Ready-to-feed is THE formula of choice! Use concentrated or powder formula only if bottled or boiled water is available.