By Zacharie
It protects, shapes and supports your body! It has 206 bones such as Patella, Femur, Cranium, Rib, Vertebral column, Mandible… When bones meet, they can form a joint that can form flexibility and movement.
It has more than 650 skeletal muscles which include the heart, lung, soleus, quadriceps mentalis… It makes your body move because it generates every movement you do. It contains half of your body’s weight.
The body needs oxygen to transform chemical energy into kinetic energy. Solid, liquid, and gas (plasma) work together in our body. Solid particles are packed together and have little energy which keeps them going. Liquid particles have more energy, take form of their container and go easily over each other. Gas particles have the most energy and are even more separated of each other than the others.
The respiratory system takes oxygen through the lungs and body and remove carbon dioxide. The digestive system takes your food (nutrients) through out your body. The circulatory system contains blood, blood vessels and carries oxygen and nutrients. The nervous system contains the brain and the nerves. It works at 250 mph. The endocrine system sends hormones around the body to control sleep, temperature, growth, and reproduction.
Heart Lungs Kidneys Brain Skin Stomach Bladder
Blood cells Eye cells Skin cells Brain cells Fat cells Nerve cells
It is 2% of your weight, but it uses 20% of your body’s energy. Your brain has two hemispheres: right one controls the left side of your body and the left hemisphere controls the right side of your body. Neurons send messages through out your body at 225 mph.
Sound Taste See Touch Smell
They enable your body’s movement.