___________________________ VIETNAM EDUCATION SWAP Presented by Mr. Truong Thanh Hai Ministry of Education and Training Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) (MOET)
SWAP - The new assistance modality from donors around the 5 pillars Ownership Alignment Harmonization and Simplification Managing for Results Mutual Accountability
The Role of Government The stable macroeconomic environment. Potential for public and private sector funding The stable macroeconomic environment. Potential for public and private sector funding Analysis of national development strategy and consistency with donor principles Analysis of national development strategy and consistency with donor principles Assess possibility for using budget support as the operating (financing) modality Assess possibility for using budget support as the operating (financing) modality A coherent and consistently applied macro/sector policy is at the heart of a programme A coherent and consistently applied macro/sector policy is at the heart of a programme Quality of the policy: clear objectives; results based targets; affordable and feasible Consistency with development objectives Consistency with development objectives Encourages the Involvement of stakeholders Encourages the Involvement of stakeholders The sector’s development plans and programmes The sector’s development plans and programmes Mechanisms to adjust Mechanisms to adjust The policies of education sector The policies of education sector Improve the basic education assessment and focusing to the poor Improve the basic education assessment and focusing to the poor To increasing the state budget for education to 20% of total stat budget by 2008 To increasing the state budget for education to 20% of total stat budget by 2008
The Actions of Government The 5 Year Socio-Economic Development Plan (SEDP and related regional, provincial and sectoral strategies) are finalized CPRGS principles are integrated into the SEDP Education Law 2005 (Renew) The 5 year Education Development Plan PRSC,MDGs, VDGs. PRSC,MDGs, VDGs. Education Development Strategy 2001 – National Action Plan Education For All 2003 – The Public Finance Reform. MTEF in Education Sector
The process of developing the education SWAP The 5 Year Education Development Plan (EDP and related regional, provincial and sectoral strategies) are finalized in consultation with provincial and sectoral strategies) are finalized in consultation with wider stakeholders including donors. wider stakeholders including donors. CPRGS principles are integrated into the SEDP CPRGS principles are integrated into the SEDP and EDP The Public Finance Reform. MTEF in Education Sector (underway)
Performance monitoring and consultation base on EDP and PEDC Focus on results is a key consequence of support to sector programmes Focus on results is a key consequence of support to sector programmes Assess the framework for performance indicators – SMART – specific, measurable, affordable, relevant, time bound Assess the framework for performance indicators – SMART – specific, measurable, affordable, relevant, time bound The PEDC Project with measurable performance indicators (FEQL) will be used for TBS. The PEDC Project with measurable performance indicators (FEQL) will be used for TBS. Some indicators have been set up in the EDP such as the completion, drop out, repetition and transition rate will be used. Some indicators have been set up in the EDP such as the completion, drop out, repetition and transition rate will be used. The increasing of state budget for the education sector. The increasing of state budget for the education sector. The involving of all stakeholders in to the planning and implementing process. The involving of all stakeholders in to the planning and implementing process.
The role of EDS and PEDC project The objectives are clear and pro poor The objectives are clear and pro poor The strategies and activities are feasible The strategies and activities are feasible The resources are available The resources are available Coherent and consistently applied macro/sector policy is at the heart of a programme Coherent and consistently applied macro/sector policy is at the heart of a programme Results based targets; affordable and feasible Results based targets; affordable and feasible Consistency with development objectives Consistency with development objectives Involvement of stakeholders Involvement of stakeholders Assess the framework for performance indicators – FSQL – specific, measurable, affordable, relevant, time bound, annually auditing Assess the framework for performance indicators – FSQL – specific, measurable, affordable, relevant, time bound, annually auditing Predicable resources for the future Predicable resources for the future
SWAP’s impacts expected Links Sector Policy and strategy with available resources Links Sector Policy and strategy with available resources To fill the resources gap of education sector To fill the resources gap of education sector Assessment: focus on realism and predictability of medium term estimates and projections Assessment: focus on realism and predictability of medium term estimates and projections Assess coverage: integrate capital and recurrent and ensure comprehensive coverage Assess coverage: integrate capital and recurrent and ensure comprehensive coverage Is a process rather than a discrete exercise Is a process rather than a discrete exercise
SWAP’s impacts expected (Continue) Management of public finances should be deemed to be satisfactory Existing situation and prospects for improvement: Existing situation and prospects for improvement: -legal and institutional framework including democratic control; -budget programming and implementation (Independent auditing in state budget will be used) -monitoring and reporting methods; -internal and external controls, and corruption (Technical auditing in procurement activities) -Indicators of performance -Establishing common arrangement -Simplifying procedures -Sharing information to encourage the mutual accountability
SWAP’s disadvantages More administration works but no more human resources. More administration works but no more human resources. Weak of management skills, especially at the local level. Weak of management skills, especially at the local level. FSQL is available in Primary education only, not in other level such as Lower Secondary and Upper Secondary Education. FSQL is available in Primary education only, not in other level such as Lower Secondary and Upper Secondary Education. Education SWAP in Vietnam took long time for preparation due to harmonization process between partner country and donors; and among donors. Education SWAP in Vietnam took long time for preparation due to harmonization process between partner country and donors; and among donors. Was low cost of preparation period due to no surveys, studies. Programme relied fully on existing Government programmes Was low cost of preparation period due to no surveys, studies. Programme relied fully on existing Government programmes Low transaction and management cost in the implementation. No PMU Low transaction and management cost in the implementation. No PMU
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