Passive, Assertive, and Aggressive communication styles
Passive statements “ I am not important” “ My opinions don’t matter”
Tone of voice and facial expression Timid unclear Facial expression- eyes looking down or away and worried or uncertain Body language- head down, shoulders round. Slumped posture
Assignment 1 Partner up- Write out a conversation between a passive person and a teacher. Be prepared to share with class.
Aggressive communication “You are not important” “Your opinions don’t matter”
Tone of voice Forceful or accusing Facial expression- Glaring , narrow eyes, hard, angry expression Body language- tense body, clenched fists, pointing fingers, and Confrontational posture
Assignment 2 Partner up- write out a conversation between an aggressive student and a teacher. Be prepared to share with class.
Assertive communication “we are both important” “both of our opinions matter”
Tone of voice Clear, firm, calm Facial expression -eyes looking at the person and confident expression Body language- head up shoulders back and confident posture
Assignment 3 Partner up- Have students write a short conversation between an assertive student and teacher