Building Rapport “We only listen to people we like”
Did You Know?... 15% of success in networking comes from skill. 85% comes from ability to connect, understand and gain trust with others.
People make up their mind about you in 60 to 90 seconds. “I like this person,” vs. “you gotta get to know them.”
5 Ways to Endear Yourself to Others
Coercion vs. Persuasion 1.Genuine interest in other person 2.Walk on common ground 3.Matching and Mirroring 4.Influence 5.Authority Enhances Rapport
1. Genuine interest in other person -Don’t be an “I guy” -Active listening, then reiterating -Remember names and birthdays -Law of reciprocity -Be a doer of the little things -Ask open ended questions -Look at things through their eyes
2. Walk on Common Ground Ask open ended questions Humor goes a long way Look at things through their eyes Build bridges of likeness Speak to their interest, what they do.
3. Matching and Mirroring Learn your ABC’s Attitude – Actions dictates your attitude Body Language – open eyes, smile, speak Congruency – Body, words, image all say the same thing
4. Influence is when people crave your time, attention and approval Make people feel important Feedback on results Sow gratitude for what they do
5. Authority Enhances Rapport Authority is created What’s your story Document your story Being humble leader garners respect