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Barbies’ Introduction Barbie’s birthday : March 9 th, 1959 Barbie’s full name : Barbie Millicent Roberts Barbie’ s boyfriend : Ken Carson There are over 140 countries in the world that are selling products of Barbie. Every year, there are about 120 new objects designed for Barbie. Every two seconds, one Barbie doll would be sold out. Barbie has over 1,000,000,000 shoes. Since 1959, Barbie and friends have been produced over 1,000,000,000. There are over 500 personal designers for Barbie.
The History of Barbie(1) 1959 Ruth and Elliot Handler, founders of Mattel Toys introduced Barbie
The History of Barbie(2) 1961 The first Ken, barbie’s boyfriend was introduced Barbie met a friend, Midge Barbie had a little sister, Skipper.
The History of Barbie(3) 1967 Barbie Changed her face model to a more beautiful one, and changed her waist to a turnable one Talking Barbie appeared. Her face is more youthful with softer face paint, rooted eyelashes, long straight hair.
The History of Barbie(4) 1974 Time Square —“Barbie Boulevard” Barbie in time capsules during the Bicentennial celebrations Barbie Changed her face for the second time that called “the Super Star Face”.
The History of Barbie(5) 1980 The World Collection Series started to be on the market The first porcelain Barbie have come out The Happy Holidays Series debuted.
The History of Barbie(6) 1994 The Golden Anniversary Barbie was created to celebrate the 35th anniversary of Barbies. Also in 1994, Hollywood Legend Series was also created.
The History of Barbie(7) 1996 has appeared on the Internet.
The Collective Barbies Princess Series(1) Evening Star Princess Midnight Moon Princess Morning Sun Princess
The Collective Barbies Princess Series(2) Snow Princess Winter Princess Evergreen Princess
The Collective Barbies The World Collective Series(1) Kenyan Indian China
The Collective Barbies The World Collective Series (2) Dutch Eskimo Peruvian
What’s New About Barbies? Movies-James Bond and Barbie Story-Cinderella
Life Lessons From Barbie 1. Family is Fundamental. 2. Many girls have the same name, but we can still be an individual. 3. Women have superior social etiquette and important galas don't require men in attendance. 4. Alternative lifestyles is acceptable. 5. It's Cool to have many careers. 6. You can have love and work at the same time. 7. Dysfunction and Deformity are a part of life. 8. War is hell. 9. All homeless must be sheltered. 10. Monogamy can work.