Short Clip on Jesus turning Water into Wine (John 2:1-2) Clip on Walking on Water (John 6:16-24) Clip on Curing the blind Man (John 9: 1-41) Experience
Darren Seward Liam Hogan Sean Clarke Charlemagne Heise Pietro
The Gospel of John was written for Jewish Christians who were expelled from synagogues in AD 90 and 100. These Jews were not welcome in Jewish communities and John accepted them. Background
John wrote the Gospel to: Combat false ideas of Jesus’ divinity To show how Jesus is superior to John, because many people believed that John was the Messiah, and not Jesus. Many Theologians like Bruce, believed that the Gospel of John was based off of the fabled “beloved disciple”. The Gospel
There are 3 themes that go on throughout the Gospel Christology from Above Major Conflicts Who is Jesus? Themes
Christology - Study of Jesus Christ John focuses on how Jesus was human, not divine. John wrote that God became human through Jesus Christ, and through Jesus shines Gods glory, power, radiance, and love. Christology from Above
Johns Gospel goes over How the “light of Christ” shines over the darkness over the world We are the children of God Truth versus Untruth These were the major conflicts at the time, and John addresses them. Major Conflicts
Because Jesus is God, no one can describe him John attempts to describe Jesus as: Word of God Son of God Christ Prophet Lamb of God Teacher King of Israel Son of Man Who is Jesus?
Johns accounts of these stories display signs and symbols of Jesus’ life. The Changing of Water to Wine Cure of the Officials Son Cure of the Paralytic at the Pool Feeding of the 5,000 and the Walking on the Water Cure of The Blind Man Raising of Lazarus Book of Signs
John 2:1 – 12 Catholics have interpreted the water in this miracle as a symbol of baptismal waters. Jesus providing the wine for the wedding symbolizes the wisdom and richness God brings. This story helps demonstrate Jesus’ power over nature and being in touch with people by acting with authority. Changing the Water to Wine
John 9:1-41 This sign contrasts a blind man who was given sight, and those who are spiritually blind. The man who was cured did not criticize Jesus when in the presence of the authorities, and his faith deepened Many men denied that Jesus cured him, and remain ignorant without the light of God. Curing of the Blind Man
The second part of Johns Gospel is the Book of Glory It consists of Jesus’ Death and Resurrection In these books, John prepares his fellow Apostles for Jesus’ “Hour of Glory”, which is his death. John then instructs them on how to live after his Resurrection, and his Passion, Death, and Resurrection reveal Gods love for us. Book of Glory