VISIBILITY AND CULTURE SUB-COMMITTEE MISSION Increase the visibility of the Commissioned Corps among the public, health professionals, and other uniformed services Expand opportunities for CC physicians to engage in activities both within the PHS and with partners at other federal agencies and departments Increase esprit de corps and camaraderie among PHS medical officers Advise the CPO on these issues
2015 BROAD GOALS Facilitate opportunities for PHS physicians to participate in other federal medical activities, such as clinical work with DOD and the VA. Benefits include Corps physicians being able to maintain regular clinical hours and active clinical status, as well as increased opportunities for unique deployment experiences. Increase physician attendance at annual COA training meeting. Benefits include meeting other PHS officers, learning about PHS activities and possible areas of involvement, and exploring mentorship possibilities.
AGENDA ITEM #1 Facilitate opportunities for PHS physicians to participate in other medical activities Explore with PHS leadership the possibility of PHS physicians receiving universal credentialing. Model: behavior health program collaborates with DOD. Explore other methods of facilitating short term TDY assignments, including discussion of funding sources. Explore development of clinical agreements, such as with the VA.
AGENDA ITEM #2 Follow up with PPAC leadership about possible use of the draft letter from our subcommittee (2014) encouraging supervisors of PHS physicians to allow their officers to participate in PHS activities and deployments.
AGENDA ITEM #3 Promote physician officer attendance at COA : - Junior or new officers: consider strategies such as scholarships - Speak with COA leadership about options - Encourage using contacts at the COA mentorship table
AGENDA ITEM #4 Update our subcommittee operating procedures, to include: - Updating our roster of members and adding new interested members - Clarifying expectations of participation on sub-committee - Updating how we circulate and post subcommittee communications - Updating how we track ongoing projects, targets, and deadlines
PLEASE CONSIDER JOINING OUR GROUP We are always looking for interested Corps physicians to join our team and help us promote these goals. We conference as a group approximately monthly, for minutes, with interim work projects to be advanced independently. We understand Corps officers are BUSY. Meetings are run efficiently. We try to use as little of our members’ time for as much benefit toward furthering these projects.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Please contact the PPAC Visibility and Culture Sub-Committee Co-Chairs: CAPT Rachel Bishop, MD, MPH, CDR Jay Kennard, MD,