TIA Presentation International Tourism Ongaro Anna – Petraglio Elena 25/11/2013
The product How does it work? Implications in the travel industry Competitor Advantages/Disadvantages Conclusion
Historically made for veterans The tour shows the different stops It can be set up geographically or historically It can include music, video, pictures, description, etc… It requires a Google account and the Google Earth desktop plug-in It allows people to share experiences by social media:
It is essentially a structured, rich media version of the “My places” feature of Google Maps. Our experiment:
People to share their trip experiences. OTAs and other travel product selling services to create a Tour for every holiday package product. Hotel chains to map all hotels of a chain in the order of their opening. A visual “About us”. Destination marketing to show people the sights visited by walking tourists.
An interactive YouTube platform for the hotel industry (collaboration with Google) It offers travelers a whole new way to plan and share their trips The 1st custom-built YouTube brand channel in the hotel industry. Main difference with Tour Builder: DTour has also a DoubleTree hotel search widget.
AdvantagesDisadvantages New way of sharing It can be used for tourism purposes (to make the destination more attractive) It can be used for scholar purposes Intuitive, interactive New tool to master Is it going to attract people? Need to have a Google Account Only shareable on 4 social media websites
A new trend to inspire people to travel User Generate Content Sharing generation New possibilities for the tourism sector Beta version (development version)
Builder, T. (n.d.). Tour Builder - Put your story on the map. Retrieved from Hosteltur. (2013, 11 14). Google lanza una nueva herramienta para crear tours. Retrieved from herramienta-crear-tours.html Mashable. (2013, 11 18). Google Earth Intros Tour Builder, A Cooler Way To Tell Stories. Retrieved from tell-stories-with-google-earth/ System, G. O. (2013, 08 30). Google Earth Tour Builder. Retrieved from tour-builder.html Tnooz. (2013, 11 12). Google wades into personal trip planning with Tour Builder. Retrieved from