FEISGILTT Dublin 2014 Yves Savourel ENLASO Corporation QuEst Integration in Okapi This presentation was made possible by This project is sponsored by the EAMT
Project 6 months project sponsored by the EAMT (European Association for Machine Translation) Gustavo Henrique Paetzold = main developer doing most of the work Lucia Specia = project lead / coordinator Kashif Shah = helper on the QuEst side Yves Savourel = helper on the Okapi side
QuEst A translation quality estimation framework. Free, open source, cross-platform Use a set of extracted features from source and target to come up with a estimated score of the quality for a given segment. The prediction model is created from a set of bilingual training data annotated with human- estimated quality scores run through a learning algorithm (here SVM).
Okapi Framework Sets of components to build localization and translation tools and workflows. Free, open-source, cross-platform. Include MT connectors and components to create translation kits, so a component to generate translation quality estimation make sense.
Project objectives 1.Okapi components to annotate MT candidates with QuEst quality estimation scores. 2.Okapi component to create prediction models from sets of bilingual training data. 3.A pilot user study on ways to utilize the estimations in a workflow (e.g. filtering out under a given threshold, color display, etc.) Results published as a research paper.
QuEst SVM Model Builder Quality estimation training data input are: – Two sets of parallel monolingual files or one set of bilingual files (e.g. TMX, XLIFF, etc.) – File with one quality “label” (e.g. a value between 1 (bad) and 5 (good)) associated to each entry of the parallel text. Can use existing language resources or create the necessary ones from additional training data. Output: prediction model (and optionally: language resources)
Prediction Model QuEst SVM Model Builder QE Training Data Language Resources Language pair data SMT Training Data
QuEst Quality Estimation Input documents are either: – T-Kit files (e.g. XLIFF) with MT candidates – Or two sets of parallel monolingual files Use existing prediction model and language resources to evaluate the translated segments and assign a score to each of them. Output: a TMX document with segments and scores (as properties).
Prediction Model QuEst Quality Estimation QuEst SVM Model Builder QE Training Data Language Resources T-Kit with MT Candidates TMX + Scores Language pair data Project files SMT Training Data
Properties Setting Input documents: – T-Kit files (e.g. XLIFF) with MT candidates (same as in the previous step) – The TMX file with the segments + QuEst scores Output: annotated XLIFF documents (using ITS MT Confidence)
Prediction Model QuEst Quality Estimation QuEst SVM Model Builder QE Training Data Language Resources T-Kit with MT Candidates Properties Setting TMX + Scores T-Kit with annotated MT Candidates Language pair data Project files SMT Training Data
Demonstration Part 1: – Extract a simple HTML document to XLIFF 1.2 – Use Microsoft Translator Hub to get MT candidates Part 2 (= QuEst Quality Estimation): – Generate QuEst scores for the MT candidates and place them into a TMX document Part 3 (= Properties Setting): – Associate the QuEst scores to their translations in the XLIFF document (as ITS annotations)
A few links Okapi QuEst Project home: Mailing list: Download: (the file okapiQuEst-.zip ) QuEst Project Home: