By: Nakul and Vishal
We made our RPG game through a website called that allows us to make a game by giving the website the required information like for e.g. Backgrounds, Game Sounds, Game Texts and a options menu. We made a world-builder accounts that allows us to do just that.
Firstly, we went to the website: Then we went on our world-builder account page: _section.php _section.php Then we started making our game we named the game Mystk. We added texts to the game as well as background images for the options screen. But we didn’t add any missions or side-missions to the game.
Tech Fair Thoughts fair-thoughts.html fair-thoughts.html Advantages and Disadvantages ages-and-disadvantages-of-my.html Material Needed als-needed.html Final Idea decision.html ages-and-disadvantages-of-my.html als-needed.html decision.html
The final Result of our Tech Fair project was not a success. We added all the options and backgrounds but we didn’t add any missions or side-missions for the player to play through also when we went on our game the background pictures would come out blank.
Bye, Bye and