GOOD MORNING! Can you read this? If not, can we suggest you sit nearer the front?
2JANUARY 2012 GIVING - A SIMPLE GUIDE Parish of All Saints Wokingham
3JANUARY 2012 A GENEROUS GOD God is generous. God gives graciously. God gave His Son.
4JANUARY 2012 GOD'S GIVING IS EXTRAVAGANT Think of... The earthly life & parables of Jesus The wine overflowing at Cana The twelve basketfuls left over on the hillside How many of the events of His life and the stories He told involve celebrations and feasts, and the unstinting sharing of Himself with others.
5JANUARY 2012 LIVING RADICALLY DIFFERENTLY As Christians we are challenged to live in a way that helps bring about God's kingdom and shares in the flow of His generosity. Jesus showed us a radically different way of living.
6JANUARY 2012 WHAT IS GENEROSITY? Not just about money. Our time Our talents Our possessions. Part of the outworking of our faith. Part of our discipleship. LOOK OUT! Giving generously will have an an impact on our whole lives. ££+++
JESUS'S EMPHASIS Not on −How much we should give −To whom
JESUS'S EMPHASIS Not on −How much we should give −To whom But on −Where our heart is −What's most important to us −Where we find security −Trusting God
GENEROUS GIVING A Priority Prayerful Planned Proportionate Communal Sacrificial Cheerful
GENEROUS GIVING A Priority Prayerful Planned Proportionate Communal Sacrificial Cheerful
LIVINGGIVING EXAMPLES OF CHRISTIAN GIVING Two examples Advice from a modern-day priest −Think of the amount you can give... −... and then double it John Wesley LIVINGGIVING
STYLES OF GIVING Tithing −Echoes the old testament −Some people give 10% of their income after tax −Some give 10% of their total income Part tithing −General Synod encourages us to do God's work by... −... Giving 5% of our income after tax through His church... −... Giving a further 5% to charities First fruits −Calculate how much you earn per hour −Give an hour's pay
WHAT DO WE MEAN BY GIVING? - 1 You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbour as yourself.
WHAT DO WE MEAN BY GIVING? - 2 Giving is not just about money. The gospels challenge us to be generous in every aspect of our lives. Living generously may be costly. 'Budget' our time and energy. Why not set aside an hour to think prayerfully about our lifestyle? What values do our bank statements reflect? What do our diaries say about our priorities?
WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS... From our Lord: −Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal; but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. [Matt 6 vv19-21] From St. Peter: −Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received [1 Peter 4 v10] You will soon be joining in with these words... −All things come from you, and of your own do we give you [1 Chron 29 v14]
17JANUARY 2012 WHAT IS GENEROSITY? Not just about money. Our time Our talents Our possessions. Part of the outworking of our faith. Part of our discipleship. LOOK OUT! Giving generously will have an an impact on our whole lives. ££+++ an