Future Ready Schools National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) in North Carolina Wednesday, February 13, 2008 Auditorium III 8:30 – 9:30 a.m.
Future Ready Schools 2 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), also known as "the Nation's Report Card," is the only nationally representative and continuing assessment of what America's students know and can do in various subject areas. NAEP is authorized by Congress and administered by the National Center for Education Statistics in the U.S. Department of Education.
Future Ready Schools 3 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Since 1969, assessments have been conducted periodically in reading, mathematics, science, writing, U.S. history, civics, geography, and the arts. Starting in 1990, NAEP assessments have also been conducted to give results for participating states. Those that chose to participate received assessment results that report on the performance of students in that state. North Carolina has participated in the state-level assessments of NAEP since 1990.
Future Ready Schools 4 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) State-level NAEP is only given in reading, mathematics, science, and writing. NAEP does not provide scores for individual students or schools; instead it offers results at the national and state-level regarding subject- matter achievement, instructional experiences, and school environment for populations of students. It provides results for subgroups of the population (e.g., race/ethnicity, gender, eligibility for free/reduced lunch, etc.).
Future Ready Schools 5 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) "No Child Left Behind" legislation stipulates that states, districts, and schools within districts that receive Title I funds must participate in NAEP if selected. Reading and mathematics must be administered every two years in grades 4 and 8. Students and schools that are selected to participate are kept confidential.
Future Ready Schools 6 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) State Board of Education Policy HSP-A-001 (16 NCAC 6D.0302): “To ensure adequate representation and generalizability of the data used to develop tests and to conduct evaluation studies, selected LEAs and schools, determined through stratified random samples, shall participate in field testing and other sample testing such as NAEP and other national or international assessments as designated by the department or the State Board of Education.”
Future Ready Schools 7 NAEP Results NAEP Results are reported using three different statistics. – Average Scale Score Math & Reading Scale is – Achievement Levels Below Basic, Basic, Proficient & Advanced – Percentiles 10 th, 25 th, 50 th, 75 th and 90 th
Future Ready Schools 8 NAEP 2007 Average Scale Score Mathematics Results
Future Ready Schools 9 NAEP 2007 Mathematics Grade 4 State Comparisons
Future Ready Schools 10 NAEP 2007 Mathematics Grade 8 State Comparisons
Future Ready Schools 11 NAEP 2007 Average Scale Score Reading Results
Future Ready Schools 12 NAEP 2007 Reading Grade 4 State Comparisons
Future Ready Schools 13 NAEP 2007 Reading Grade 8 State Comparisons
Future Ready Schools 14 NAEP 2007 Percentiles Mathematics Grade 4 Results
Future Ready Schools 15 NAEP 2007 Percentiles Mathematics Grade 8 Results
Future Ready Schools 16 NAEP 2007 Percentiles Reading Grade 4 Results
Future Ready Schools 17 NAEP 2007 Percentiles Reading Grade 8 Results
Future Ready Schools 18 NAEP: Importance to North Carolina Since NC fell behind the nation on the grade 8 reading NAEP assessment in 2005, the state board of education proposed literacy coaches at the middle grades. The governor’s office picked this up in their budget and we now have literacy coaches in the middle grades at several NC public schools. Literacy coaches have been in place since the school year.
Future Ready Schools 19 NAEP: Importance to North Carolina In the school year, the state board of education increased the standard for proficient on the new edition of the EOG Mathematics assessments. The following is a quote from the press release: – “The State Board of Education made good on months of discussion regarding the need to raise standards for student performance to more closely align with proficiency standards of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) and to be more challenging in preparing students for 21st century skills and learning.”
Future Ready Schools 20 NAEP: Importance to North Carolina There is a new edition of the Reading Comprehension EOG tests this school year. Thus, new standards for the proficient cut score will be set. If the state board of education follows a similar pattern, the standard for proficient on the Reading Comprehension EOG tests will be more rigorous.
Future Ready Schools 21 NAEP: Importance to North Carolina Comparison of Achievement Levels on the North Carolina EOGs and NAEP School Year Percent at or Above Each Achievement Level Assessment Grade 4 Reading Grade 8 Reading Grade 4 Math Grade 8 Math NC EOG At or Above Level III 85%88%68%65% NAEP At or Above Proficient 29%28%41%34% NAEP At or Above Basic 64%71%85%73%
Future Ready Schools Mapping State Proficiency Standards onto the NAEP Scale This study was released in June Purpose of the study was to put all states’ AYP proficiency standards onto a common scale. – NAEP happens to be that scale Based on state and NAEP results from the school year.
Future Ready Schools Mapping State Proficiency Standards onto the NAEP Scale Methodology for the study: – Find the percent of students scoring proficient or higher on the state assessment. – Find the same percent on the state’s NAEP distribution. – Locate the NAEP Score Equivalent.
Future Ready Schools Mapping State Proficiency Standards onto the NAEP Scale North Carolina was at the bottom for all four areas: – Grade 4 Reading – Grade 8 Reading – Grade 4 Mathematics – Grade 8 Mathematics
Future Ready Schools Mapping State Proficiency Standards onto the NAEP Scale
Future Ready Schools Mapping State Proficiency Standards onto the NAEP Scale You can access the report at: – ubs/studies/ asp ubs/studies/ asp This study will be repeated with the state and NAEP results for – Scheduled for release summer 2008
Future Ready Schools 27 Upcoming NAEP Releases NAEP 2007 Grade 8 Writing – March 2008 (state and national results) National Indian Education Study – Spring Inclusion Study – Spring/Summer Mapping State Proficiency Standards onto the NAEP Scale – Summer 2008
Future Ready Schools 28 NAEP 2008 Activities Science Interactive Computer Task (SICT) Pilot (Grades 4, 8 & 12) Long-Term Trend Assessment for Reading and Mathematics (Ages 9, 13 & 17) Arts Assessment (Grade 8) Field Tests in Reading, Mathematics and Science (Grades 4, 8 & 12)
Future Ready Schools 29 Questions and Comments
Future Ready Schools National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) in North Carolina Marcie Hickman NAEP State Coordinator