Benefits of Curriculum Mapping Megan Collins Curriculum Specialist HFM BOCES
All BOCES teachers will develop a course in either ELA or Math this year. To align curriculum to Common Core Teachers spend more instructional time on ELA and Math Our goal is to include all core subjects by the end of the academic year (year 3 of our curriculum mapping process)!
What do I need to include? All the units you teach for the subject from Sept.-June and how many weeks you spend on each unit. Essential Questions for each unit Key Vocabulary for each unit Activities for each unit (textbook chapters, worksheets, field trips, movies, books/genres, flip charts, etc.) Resources (websites, videos, etc.) Links (upload lesson plans, photos of projects, etc.) Assessments (formative and summative)
But, my class composition changes each year….. Your map should be tweaked year to year and can and should include different levels of complexity. You can also copy a map and edit (delete, add on, change time line) to meet the classes that need to be challenged more or less.
How can this work when I teach multiple grade levels and ages? Regardless of whether you chose ELA or Math you will need to select the standards for all applicable grade levels matching your students. The standards are in an easy drop down and you simply click the standards that apply to your units.
How will I get this done? Staff will be given a half-day to work on their maps with Megan Collins and Vicki So from Rubicon Atlas on Jan. 30 th Superintendent’s Day (at HFM BOCES main site: conference room). Matt Popp and/or Megan Collins have or will introduce you to the user friendly Rubicon Atlas program and walk you through the basics to get you started.
Help is on the way! You can request that Megan Collins come to your school to work with you before school, after school or during your prep. You can sign up for a rubicon atlas webinar You can ask your administrator for time to work on your map outside your contractual hours and receive curriculum writing pay ($25/hr)
You will receive support and guidance and find the program very user friendly.