Strengthening the Strategic Cooperation between the EU and Western Balkan Region in the field of ICT Research Key Barriers & Challenges in ICT Research: Regional and EU context Soumi Papadopoulou, PLANET & René Wintjes, MERIT Conference “Towards an Information Society for the Western Balkans”, Belgrade, December 2008
Conference, Belgrade, December Barriers and challenges to ICT research ● The Regional context ● The EU context ● The EU FP7 context
Conference, Belgrade, December The Regional Context ● Research capabilities in the Western Balkan region have been severely affected by the rapid political changes and transformation from state run to market economies ● What are the barriers faced by Western Balkan research institutions in their R&D activities and their efforts to participate in EU Framework Programme projects?
Conference, Belgrade, December Institutional barriers to ICT research ● Lack of defined government policies for ICT research ● Weak communication channels between policy makers and researchers ● Insufficient encouragement policies for the collaboration between business and academic communities for ICT research ● Difficulties with researchers’ mobility exchange (i.e. visa, residence permits, work permits etc.) ● Political instability in the countries/region hinders cooperation within the region and with the EU
Conference, Belgrade, December Financial barriers to ICT research ● Low level of national funds for ICT research (significantly lower than EU average) ● Absence of defined financial support policy for participating in FP projects ● Lack of investments from the business sector in R&D ● Lack of financial incentives for collaboration between universities and businesses
Conference, Belgrade, December Education related barriers to ICT research ● Low motivation for students who could be involved in FP projects. ● Lack of willingness by academic leadership to engage in FP projects ● Lack of specialized ICT professors ● Education system not in line with needs of ICT industry
Conference, Belgrade, December Human resource barriers to ICT research ● Skilled ICT researchers leaving the country (brain drain). ● Weak local and regional organised ICT research networks ● Lack of professionals able to provide assistance on FP proposal writing and project management
Conference, Belgrade, December ICT business sector related barriers ● Limited ICT research in the business community / private sector. ● Insufficient collaboration between the ICT industry and universities.
Conference, Belgrade, December Infrastructure barriers to ICT research ● Insufficient ICT research infrastructure, both o basic infrastructures: e.g. broadband coverage across country o More specialised infrastructures: ● business incubators, innovation centres, centres of excellence etc.
Conference, Belgrade, December Cultural & other barriers to ICT research ● Lack of familiarity with FP and other funding programs. ● ICT R&D projects, after being completed, disappear without producing a real impact. ● Low appreciation of international cooperation in R&D (resulting in low levels or EU-regional and intra- regional R&D collaboration). ● Low international reputation of the “scientific image” of countries.
Conference, Belgrade, December The EU context: characteristics of ICT, trends ● Pervasive, general purpose technology (ICT research and innovations are important to all sectors); ● High degree of globalisation; ● Most innovative EU sector; ● Very short product life-cycles; ● shift from manufacturing towards ICT software and services; ● Importance of networking, clustering; ● Growing importance of innovative SMEs
Conference, Belgrade, December EU context: National drivers of ICT innovation ICT Innovation performance based on: export, patents, factor productivity
Conference, Belgrade, December EU context: barriers to ICT research & innovation ● Lack of high-educated human resources; ● Regulatory incoherence, lack of European integration, fragmented ERA; ● Financing research and innovation ● Poor valorisation of research, insufficient commercialisation of results
Conference, Belgrade, December EU context: drivers and barriers at firm level
Conference, Belgrade, December EU context: 4 future ICT trajectories (EU ICT Task Force) ● 1)Networked, Mobile, and Scalable; ● 2)Embedded and Invisible; ● 3)Intelligent and Personalised; ● 4)Content-rich, Interactive and Experiential.
Conference, Belgrade, December EU context: challenges for research policy ● To increase ICT research in Europe in view of the gap vis-à-vis other parts of the world. ● To reduce fragmentation of public funded research and to promote co-operation and coordination in order to increase focus and critical mass. ● To develop the ERA; promote mobility of researchers, more excellence in universities, grants for research co-operation, improvement of the linkages between Science and Industry ● To develop more effective systems for technology transfer, research exploitation and valorisation.
Conference, Belgrade, December EU context: challenges in systemic policy making ● Systemic forms of governance are most relevant policy tools to promote ICT research & innovation. ● Good practice policy formats are: o cluster policies, technology platforms, thematic collaborative research programmes, Lead Market Initiatives, Joint Technology Initiatives, etc. ● Such systemic tools facilitate: o demand-driven co-operation, o open innovation; o alignment of strategic research agendas; o thematic focus to research; o and interaction between ICT producers and users.
Conference, Belgrade, December The FP7 context: Challenges to EU-WB collaboration Key findings from SCORE project consultations with over 320 ICT stakeholders in Albania, BiH, FYR of Macedonia and Serbia: ● Although a number of support actions have been completed in the region, there is still a need for support to organizations with regards to understanding the FP programme and procedures. ● Need for stricter evaluation and review procedures with regards to the sustainability and impact of ICT R&D projects (both at the proposal and project implementation phases).
Conference, Belgrade, December The FP7 context: Challenges to EU-WB collaboration (cont’d) ● Need for targeted FP calls in the Region: In previous FP6 calls, targeted objectives for the region enabled Western Balkan organisations to participate more successfully. The same approach should be retained in future FP calls. ● Need for research & development in ICT application areas such as eGovernment, eBusiness and eLearning which are key common priorities for the region.
Conference, Belgrade, December Discussion: your views ● What other barriers should be included? ● What are the 3 top barriers to EU-WB research collaboration?
Conference, Belgrade, December Thank you ● For further information: o René Wintjes o Soumi Papadopoulou