Preliminary Budget Office of the Vice President Finance Presented by: Mateusz Miadlikowski
Overview 1.Preliminary Budget 2.Process 3.Current Situation 4.Challenges and Changes 5.Moving Forward
PRELIMINARY BUDGET Bylaws, Timeline, Process, Code, Amendments
Bylaws, Code, Timeline Bylaw 11: 1b, 1d –The budget committee purpose: to review the budget prepared by the Vice- President Finance –The budget committee’s approval- budget committee submits the budget to Council for its approval. Code Sec IX B Article 8. –Council’s approval of the preliminary Budget by April 30 th - Amendment- first meeting of May –Preliminary Budget shall include: Actuals from previous fiscal year, variances, next fiscal year projections Figures for the overall revenues and expenditures of each major division of the Society (business and administration as a whole, all student government departments collectively, Student Services as a whole, etc.) –Final Budget shall include: Detailed breakdown of revenues and expenditures within each department (each commission, business, staff, executive member, etc.)
Process Internal review of Actuals 13/14- not final Departments: –Documents sent: handbook, budget template for each department –Required Documents: filled budget template, priorities, justifications, statement, presentation Review by the VP Finance Individual meetings with the heads of departments- VP Finance and Executive Director Final Review, adjustments, consolidation Submission to the Budget Committee Budget Committee’s review- 1 st session Adjustments of the Budget, provision of additional information
Preliminary Budget –Detailed breakdown of projected revenues –Detailed breakdown of expenditures for each department –Business Contribution at $ 485K- BAGB –Budgeted Surplus over $ 400K Previous Structural Deficit –Ending Fiscal 13/14 with a surplus Lower expenditures Higher business contribution –Possible elimination of the entire structural deficit
Challenges and Changes Changes: –New structure of the Budget Committee –Executive Director- reporting structure –Fee changes- elimination and decrease of particular funds
Challenges and Changes Challenges: –Unknown Referendum and AGM Events- Block Party and Welcome Back BBQ –Scheduling issues meeting quorum setting times –Actuals 13/14 Closing year Audit- confirmed actuals
MOVING FORWARD Preparation of the Budget
Moving Forward Appointment of Budget Committee’s Chair Preliminary Budget- June 11 th Final Budget- late June