Welcome to INANE! New Editors Discussion
Present Thelma Schorr (AJN) and Ellie Schrader (AORN) called Editors together in New York City for the first INANE conference There has been an annual conference every year since Every 2-3 years the conference is held outside North America
In 1982 photo - Seated, L to R: Unidentified, Elinor S. Schrader (Editor AORN), Thelma M. Schorr (editor, AJN), Rozella Schlotfeld, Dean Case Western University & guest speaker), Sue Hegyvary (Associate dean and Assistant V.P., RPSLMC, Chicago & introduced symposium). Standing, L to R: unidentified, Julie Stillman (Little Brown and Co.), Patricia (Tucker) Nornhold, Peggy Chinn (Editor ANS), Leah Curtin (Editor, Supervisor Nurse), Alison Miller (C.V. Mosby Co), Richard H. Lampert (Appleton-Century- Croft), Shirley H. Fondiller (assistant to the dean for special programs and projects, RPSLMC, and Program Coordinator for the first National Journalism Symposium, April 1981)
How it has worked for over 30 years “Non”-organization No officers, no elections, no dues! Want to do it? No problem - just do it! Decision-making is open & fluid - mostly at conferences, but now integrates as much virtual involvement as possible (polls, surveys, etc.) Financial demands (other than conference expenses) are minimal - covered by “pass the hat” events every 2 to 3 years
Types of Initiatives INANE Members Have Undertaken “Leading the charge” to get nursing journals indexed and receive Impact Factors - Margaret Freda and Judy Lewis Two INANE members elected to the COPE Council “Future of Nursing” editorials Student papers survey and report - Shawn Kennedy and colleagues
2014 Initiative - Predatory Publishing Collaborative formed at 2014 conference, led by Sally Thorne (Editor, Nursing Inquiry) Focus: to promote standards of editorial excellence Editorials published in journals and posted on INANE website 17 editorials and counting!
How conferences happen Hosting Editor volunteers about 3 to 4 years in advance Financial arrangements vary Locations typically discussed at each annual “non”-business meeting Guiding principle - do it your way! We never fire a conference host!
INANE Communications The conference is #1! We also have… Blog Mailing list Facebook Page Website All these resources keep members up-to-date on news and information throughout the year
Website and List Judith Lewis established web site and list (mid- 1990s), hosted by Virginia Commonwealth University (Editor, Clinical Issues in Perinatal and Women’s Health Nursing)
Website & List Shirley Smoyak assumed web site and list in early 2000s, hosted by Rutgers University (Editor, Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services)
List (current) Hosted through Yahoo! To join-- Ask for an invitation Create a Yahoo! account (if you don’t have one) Sign up for the list Messages are sent directly to your inbox at the frequency you select (immediately, daily digest, special delivery only)
Internet Services History Established “Internet Services Workgroup” to manage website, blog, facebook, list New logo developed by Roey Kirk, friend of Suzanne Smith Transitioned to new platform in allows easier and more frequent updates Integrated the blog with the new website
Social Media Blog connects to Facebook and Twitter Interaction opportunities - Comment on Blog “Like” Facebook and participate Retweet Blog focuses on news, announcements, editor opportunities New authors are always welcome!
Current Internet Services Managers Leslie Nicoll CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing Nurse Author & Editor Peggy Chinn Advances in Nursing Science
INANE Websites Conference Website Active for a year Includes registration, blog, regular updates Call for abstracts Conference program Any other details you need to know! inane2015.com Regular website (ongoing) Blog News and updates Journals directory Contact form Donations to our development fund Awards info nursingeditors.com
Nursing Journals Directory Initial listing acquired from Nurse Author & Editor - now a cooperative venture Journals are fully vetted to assure sound editorial standards maintained
What INANE can do for you Consultation with other Editors Use list to ask a question Call or an individual Resources See website resources section Discover things you don’t even know you need - follow the blog, list, and Facebook
What you can do for INANE Volunteer for anything that interests you! Join an existing team - Conference planning London Denver Cuba - date TBD Blog contributor Website management Awards committees
Questions? Your turn …...