Accreditation (AdvancED) STANDARD #1: PURPOSE AND DIRECTION Office of Service Quality Veda Hudge, Director Donna Boruch, Coordinator, School Improvement
IMPORTANCE OF ACCREDITATION Accreditation lays the groundwork for success for schools and students. Accreditation insures a rigorous, sound curriculum based on quality standards, a range of student activities and support services. Accreditation focuses on increasing student achievement through a safe and enriching learning environment. Accreditation requires that qualified teachers work to improve their methods and focus on student learning.
ACCREDITATION STANDARDS Standard 1: Purpose and Direction The system maintains and communicates at all levels of the organization a purpose and direction for continuous improvement. Standard 2: Governance and Leadership The system operates under governance and leadership that promote and support student performance and school effectiveness. Standard 3: Teaching and Assessing for Learning The system’s curriculum, instructional design and assessment practices guide and ensure teacher effectiveness and student learning. Standard 4: Resources and Support Systems The system has resources and provides services in all schools that support its purpose and direction to ensure success for all students. Standard 5: Using Results for Continuous Improvement The system implements a comprehensive assessment system that generates a range of data about student learning and system effectiveness and uses the results to guide continuous improvement.
The BEST Blueprint & AdvancED Accreditation Standards Correlation 1. Purpose and Direction: The BEST Blueprint maintains and communicates at all levels of the organization a purpose and direction for continuous improvement that commits to high expectations for learning as well as shared values and beliefs about teaching and learning. 2. Governance and Leadership: The BEST Blueprint is a part of a system of governance and leadership that promotes and supports student performance and system effectiveness. 3. Teaching and Assessing for Learning: The BEST Blueprint supports the district’s practices for curriculum, instructional design, and assessment, ensuring teacher effectiveness and student learning across all grades and courses. 4. Resources and Support Systems: The BEST Blueprint leverages BCPS resources and provides services in all schools to support its purpose and direction to ensure success for all students. 5. Using Results for Continuous Improvement: The BEST Blueprint supports the district’s comprehensive assessment process that generates a wide range of data about student learning and system effectiveness and uses the results to guide continuous improvement.
AdvancEd Standard #1: PURPOSE & DIRECTION The school maintains and communicates a purpose and direction that commit to high expectations for learning as well as shared values and beliefs about teaching and learning.
INDICATORS for Purpose and Direction Indicator The school engages in a systematic, inclusive, and comprehensive process to review, revise, and communicate a school purpose for student success. Indicator The school leadership and staff commit to a culture that is based on shared values and beliefs about teaching and learning and supports challenging, equitable educational programs and learning experiences for all students that include achievement of learning, thinking, and life skills. Indicator The school’s leadership implements a continuous improvement process that provides clear direction for improving conditions that support student learning.
Indicator The school engages in a systematic, inclusive, and comprehensive process to review, revise, and communicate a school purpose for student success. Artifacts may include: Vision and/or purpose statement List of beliefs and/or core values Information system Surveys/evaluation instrument sand results Annual and long-range goals Stakeholder perception data Minutes of meetings of leadership and/or stakeholder groups Written policies/procedures of stakeholder involvement in development of purpose, direction and goals
Indicator The school leadership and staff commit to a culture that is based on shared values and beliefs about teaching and learning and supports challenging, equitable educational programs and learning experiences for all students that include achievement of learning, thinking, and life skills. Artifacts may include: School profile Newsletters containing information about purpose, direction and goals Minutes of stakeholder groups regarding analysis and use of data Stakeholder group surveys / analysis of perceptions Agendas/minutes of stakeholder meetings Stakeholder membership on decision-making committees Stakeholder participation in services provided by the school Schedules of stakeholder meetings
Indicator The school’s leadership implements a continuous improvement process that provides clear direction for improving conditions that support student learning. Artifacts may include: Reports to the stakeholders about the school Presentations to stakeholder groups Media reports on the school Communication plan School website Newsletters Letters s Automated phone message
THANK YOU! Veda Hudge, Director Office of Service Quality