CS-495 Distributed Systems Fabián E. Bustamante, Winter 2004 Welcome to Distributed Systems
CS-495 Distributed Systems 2 Welcome to Distributed Systems Everything you need to know Your instructor: Fabián Bustamante Your TA: Stefan Birrer Communication channels: –Course webpage –Blackboard for discussions for other questions
CS-495 Distributed Systems 3 Materials Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms., Andrew S. Tanenbaum and Maarten van Steen, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, Papers: A set of papers that will be made available.
CS-495 Distributed Systems 4 Approach Lecture – 20-25’ 2x30’ paper presentation –20’ presentation –10’ discussion Project –Group of 2+ –Some ideas will be posted Take-home exam
CS-495 Distributed Systems 5 Outline Introduction (1/6-1/8) Wide-area distributed systems and PlanetLab (Date TBD Communication (1/13-1/15 Processes (1/20-1/22) Naming (1/27) Synchronization (1/29-2/3) Consistency and replication (2/5-2/10) Fault tolerance (2/12-2/17) Security (2/19-2/24) Review of major distributed systems paradigms (2/26-3/4) Project presentations (3/9-3/11) Take-home exam (3/16)
CS-495 Distributed Systems 6 Grading Project 40% Class participation 10% In class presentation 15% Final – take-home – exam 35%