State, Metro Crime Down Overall drop is 5% …but Detroit still most violent of nation’s biggest cities Mike Wilkinson The Detroit News
Crime was down in Michigan in 2007 FBI released crime statistics Monday, Sep 15. Violent crimes across MI down last year by almost 5%, lowest number since In Detroit, violent crimes were down 7% from 2006 numbers. –Was down 13% in the first half of the year. Still a large gap between bigger and poorer cities and suburban and rural communities: –Detroit had 23 violent crimes per 1000 residents, suburbs averaged under 4. –Saginaw and Flint were even higher than Detroit. Largest drop was in auto theft, down more than 15%.
Huh? Other services Police X* Y* X-300 When the economy falters, crime tends to increase. –Wayne’s own chairman of criminal justice, Eric Lambert: “Most (of) the information said it would have increased.” Lower home values, higher foreclosure and unemployment rates-> lower tax revenue-> decrease state and local budgets. –Detroit had 300 fewer police officers in 2007 than in 2005.
Explanations James Tate, Detroit Police spokesman –When crime rates started increasing in the state in 2005 and 2006, representatives from homicide, narcotics, gang unit and others within the police department began meeting regularly to share information. The idea was ‘a burglar on the east side today could be a drug dealer on the west side tomorrow.’ –“Because of the strain of resources, we have to be a lot more creative.” Joseph Thomas, Southfield Police Chief –The department can’t take all the credit. Neighborhood watch program was a big help to combat crime. Peter Carr, Justice Department spokesman –Attributes the decrease in crime rates at the national level to a crackdown on gangs, drug dealers and gun crimes. –Congress should give another $200 million to keep up the good work!
Other ideas? MI’s struggling economy has caused people to leave the state, including criminals? Police are making great use of federal support: LESO program? Concealed weapons permit- fewer “easy victims?”
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