Parody. A satiric imitation of a work or of an author with the idea of ridiculing the author, his ideas, or work. The parody may also be focused on, say, an improbable plot with too many convenient events.. Satire. A literary mode based on criticism of people and society through ridicule. The satirist aims to reduce the practices attacked by laughing scornfully at them--and being witty enough to allow the reader to laugh, also. Ridicule, irony, exaggeration, and several other techniques are almost always present. The satirist's goal is to point out the hypocrisy of his target in the hope that either the target or the audience will return to a real following of the code. Many of the techniques of satire are devices of comparison, to show the similarity or contrast between two things; an oxymoron, metaphors, and so forth are examples. See "The Purpose and Method of Satire" for more information. "The Purpose and Method of Satire"
Candide Parody – Imitation of a writer’s or genre’s style with use of exaggeration for comic effect Satire – Use of humor, exaggeration, irony to diminish, expose, and criticize people’s views – Uses attitudes of amusement and contempt
Parody ki/%22Weird_Al%22_Ya nkovic
“This is absurd!” Definitions: Related to an idea or suggestion: wildly unreasonable; illogical, or inappropriate Related to a person’s behavior or action: Foolish, unreasonable
Why is this absurd????
Considered “the fountainhead of the Enlightenment and the intellectual spearhead of the French Revolution” A conservative in all but religion Believed in a God who was a creator and punisher of evil, but he attacked any religion he felt to be guilty of superstition, intolerance, or persecution Voltaire
Followers of optimism explained horrors away with the idea that it was all for the best: the living would inherit from the dead; the city would be rebuilt, providing jobs. If it had not happened there, another place would have suffered. Voltaire did not accept this. He wrote Candide to illustrate what he perceived as the stupidity of this type of optimism. He wrote the whole novel in three days at the age of sixty-five. Influences
Voltaire intends for Candide to be a satirical parody. He makes it a parody on the popular adventure novel, and he attacks nearly everything and everybody. It deals with the problem of evil, both natural and man-made. Technique in Candide
Candide is subtitled “Optimism” and tells a tale of the woes that befall a naïve simpleton who is brought up to believe that this world is the best of all possible worlds. The point of Voltaire’s story is to show how Candide’s optimism is foolish in a world in which people’s lives are shaped for the most part by cruel and incomprehensible forces. CANDIDE - Background
The plot of Candide takes the form of a quest: the young man’s quest for union with his beloved, Cunegonde. a series of separations and reunions, as Cunegonde is taken as booty by the Bulgarians, held prisoner by the Grand Inquisitor, and forcibly kept as a mistress by the Governor of Buenos Aires—in this, the best of all possible worlds. What happens to Candide himself is no better the two lovers somehow survive tale is told with great verve and hilarity, and, like all quests of this kind, the journey involves much suffering but ends in wisdom.
Voltaire makes fun of both the adventure novels and the pastoral romance novels of his time: shipwrecks kidnappings by rival suitors unexpected reunions between long-lost characters love-sick heroes far-off (and made-up) settings
Other examples episodes/s10e06-manbearpig september /democracy-on-the- lurch ndeadline/post/2011/10/2000-sharks- slaughtered-off-colombia-for-their-fins/1 approval-rating-soars-after-punching- wa,26349/ als/hes_barack_obama
A satire is a piece of writing in which the subject is exposed to ridicule of some kind, usually in attempts to provoke or prevent a change. Satire can use any point of view. A parody is a form of satire that mimics another piece of work in order to ridicule it. Parodies exist in all forms of media, including music and movies. A parody is generally written in a humorous manner, for the effect of comedy. In many cases, satire and parody overlap, but a satire isn't always a parody. A satire doesn't have to be comedic (and is oftentimes quite the opposite), while a parody almost always has some bit of humor involved in its creation (even if that humor is only found by the author himself). satire's main purpose is to be political, social, or moral and not humorous. A humorous satire tends to be so in subtle ways, usually utilizing deadpan or irony in large Literary Focus
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