Parody A literary or artistic work that imitates the style or ideas of another work in an exaggerated or a ridiculous way for comic effect.
Person Example: Tina Fey Sarah Palin
Amy Poehler Hillary Clinton Person Example:
Movie Examples:
Movie/SNL Example: A Parody of the movie Twilight from SNL: “Firelight.” replacing Vampires with Frankenstein, Werewolves with Lomax.
Song Example: Weird Al Yankovic’s Parody of “Eat It” from Michael Jackson’s “Beat It.”
Example: Sesame Street’s “A’s Anatomy” Parody
Of Mice and Men Example: Unfortunately…we can’t view this at school! But go online at home, and Google the SNL (James Franco) OMAM Parody…Very Funny!
Assignment: Now it’s your turn! Decide whether you want to do a Song, or a Fairy Tale Parody…Choose ONE! Follow the instructions on your worksheet, and start writing! DUE: Monday, 25 April!