Stickin’ it to the Man 4 Teh Lulz
Introducing Team 4 Teh Lulz
Girl vs. Man o An innocent little girl battles an evil man for control over the city. Nature vs. Industry o The little girl sees smog and smokestacks and gathers her animal companions to try to change the situation. we need to decide if the man already rules the world and the girl is trying to fix it (i vote for this -RS), or if they're trying to take over the world at the same time, or if there really isn't a story at all. I like the idea of them both trying to take over at the same time: it subverts the existing game trope of "saving the world from X", and makes the girl's motives possibly questionable. This would be a good answer to Celia asking "so what about this is new?" Oh, and it makes the gameplay (adding neutral creatures to your army) make more sense.—Noah random thing: i'm totally seeing an opening cutscene where the little girl is playing in the flowers, then she notices smog in the sky, looks over, and sees smokestacks. then, she decides gathers all her little animal companions and begins marching towards them (i think this is a great idea -RS, +1—NW) ~beege Narrative should we mention that it's an amusing parody of these concepts in competition? - i can discuss this slide and touch on how we're playing up these two gender stereotypes (RS)
Item-gathering o Converting creatures to your cause Competition for resources o Stealing from your opponent Strategy o Managing different creatures' abilities World transformation based on game flow o Environment appearance = who's winning so we did decide it was going to be single-player? i want it to be, i'm just making sure i don't think we decided. we can make it 2 player if we don't finish it Core Gameplay k, well if AI is an optional feature, then maybe it shouldn't be listed as a core gameplay feature? maybe mention unit management - if memory serves, we spoke about having three options for animals: follow, wander, or go back to pen also, this is a game design pitch... we need to talk about the gameplay, why it's fun, why we've chosen each component, and most importantly: we need to SELL it. we need to make people want to play this game based on everything we mention in every slide
Control Progression Strategy Sabotage More Gameplay wth does this mean? if someone knows, i hope you're planning to be the one speaking about it ~beege I'll talk about it—noah should the perspective be mentioned here? ~beege yes (not on the slide, though— probably as part of the talking)
Colorful and cartoony Industrial vs. Natural imagery Art Direction / Aesthetic I think these two are a good representative sample of what we're going for—we can throw in the other images if y'all think this isn't enough, but these are similar in style and pretty well match the level of detail we're going to be able to get out of Flash —Noah