The Atlantic Slave Trade 1502 - first reported African slaves in the New World. 1807 Britain banned slave trade. The forced migration of 10-15 million Africans from Africa to the Americas. Death rate was 50%.
Shackles, Slave Auction, Branding Irons
1505 - 1888 Europeans(esp. English, French, and Dutch) and West Africans(“Slave Coast”) Triangular Trade or “Great Circuit” Europe to Africa. Africans sold in West Indies. Europeans brought sugar and tobacco to sell in Europe.
Why did the Europeans do this? Economic Need + Prejudice = Slavery Sugar cane primary crop of Caribbean colonies(labor intensive crop) Slave trade became a profitable business(“Black Gold”). Purchased for $25 and sold for $150. Africans interested in guns and manufactured products from Europe, Europeans interested in a labor force. Africans dark complexion (dark = evil) Foreign religions, language, customs, and clothing led English to think of Africans as inferior
Iron mask and collar punishment for a runaway slave in Brazil Public whipping of a slave in Brazil Many died of dysentary, smallpox, and some committed suicide by not eating.
Race and Ethnicity today: terms to know and understand Race - classification of human beings based on genetic differences – hair, skin, facial differences. Ethnic Group - a group of people recognized as a class on the basis of certain distinctive characteristics such as religion, language, ancestry, or national origin Stereotype - a generalized idea or image, usually negative, that is learned about a group of people Prejudice - a negative or hostile attitude toward another social group, usually racially defined
Racism - Prejudice + Power Racial Discrimination - Unfair or unequal treatment of members of some specific group Ethnocentrism - Belief that norms and values of one’s own culture are superior to those of others(religion, appearance, social status, etc..) Multiculturalism(Pluralism) - retention of minority group identities with individual racial and ethnic groups accommodating themselves to one another’s individual differences