Chris Jordan
Income Level of all Earth Inhabitants Number of People Earth Could Support Global Average 5.0 billion Low13.6 billion Medium 6.2 billion High 2.1 billion Canada 1.9 billion United States 1.4 billion Earth’s Carrying Capacity
State of the World 2010 Thesis: For humanity to thrive long into the future, we’ll need to transform our cultures, making it feel as natural to live sustainably as living as consumers feels today. Vauban, Germany (Photo: Yann Arthus-Bertrand)
Automobile Industry: Changing Spatial and Transportation Norms
Changing Dietary Norms Fast Food Industry:
Humanizing “Man’s Best Friends” Pet Industry:
Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe Making the Transition From Consumerism to Sustainability
Six Key Institutions for Changing Cultures Education Business Government The Media Social Movements Traditions
Education’s Next Assignment: Teaching Sustainability, Transforming Norms
Redefining the Mission of Business