Identifying Social Skills for a productive life!
When something does not go “your way”, how do you respond? Take a moment and write down your answer.
Why do you think the players attacked the official? Who all do you think was affected by the incident?
Headlines that followed High School Football Players Suspended After Barreling Into Referee "The first thing we want is that those two kids never play football again." John Jay High School Football Players May Face Criminal Charges NISD: Suspended John Jay football players assigned to alternative school Assistant Coach Suspended for Players’ Actions What other options did the players have instead of attacking the official?
How do you respond when: A teacher asks for your phone? You are told to stay quiet in class? Assigned detention? Get in an argument with your parents?
TIPS FOR COPING SKILLS: Avoid negative emotions like blaming others. Avoid complaining about the consequences. Respond with courage. How should focusing on the problem control our emotions?
What coping skills are you going to apply the next time you are faced with a consequence or with disappointment?