1 USC INFORMATION SCIENCES INSTITUTE Expect: COA Critiquing PSM EXPECT: A User-Centered Environment for the Development and Adaptation of Knowledge-Based.


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Presentation transcript:

1 USC INFORMATION SCIENCES INSTITUTE Expect: COA Critiquing PSM EXPECT: A User-Centered Environment for the Development and Adaptation of Knowledge-Based COA Critiquers Jim Blythe,Yolanda Gil,Jihie Kim, Bill Swartout and Andre Valente Information Sciences Institute University of Southern California

2 USC INFORMATION SCIENCES INSTITUTE Expect: COA Critiquing PSM Underlying Technology: Support for Knowledge Base Modification Problem: COA evaluation criteria are never fixed  each battle/COA is different  user preferences (e.g., what the commander wants) Approach: provide knowledge acquisition tools to adapt and extend a knowledge base of evaluation criteria  Use EXPECT as a framework for developing and maintaining COA critiquing systems  provide an ontology of standard COA evaluation criteria Benefits:  users can adapt initial set of evaluation criteria to their situation  users can add new evaluation criteria as needed

3 USC INFORMATION SCIENCES INSTITUTE Expect: COA Critiquing PSM EXPECT: A Framework for Developing Knowledge-Based Systems Has explicit representations of critiquing knowledge  domain knowledge + factual knowledge –tanks are a reusable resource, ammunition is not,...  problem-solving knowledge: –to estimate travel time, to check if a constraint is violated,... Uses them to derive a knowledge-based system  Uses derivation to build model of knowledge interactions in a KBS: Interdependency Model (IM) –a KBS that estimates the feasibility of a COA checks force ratios  Derived KBS can be compiled for efficiency General Problem Solving Methods Domain Ontology & Facts Method Instantiator Domain-specific Knowledge Based System Interdependency Model

4 USC INFORMATION SCIENCES INSTITUTE Expect: COA Critiquing PSM EXPECT’s Knowledge Acquisition Tools KA tools can support users in extending and maintaining a KBS  Uses Interdependency Model to understand how new knowledge fits in the system USER: Add battalion-5 as a new tank battalion EXPECT: Please specify type of tank used by battalion-5, needed for force ratio critiques.  agenda-based mechanism to correct local problems  script-based mechanism to help user complete modifications [Gil AAAI-94] [Gil & Paris KAJ-95] [Gil & Melz AAAI-96] [Swartout & Gil KAW-95] [Gil & Tallis AAAI-97]

5 USC INFORMATION SCIENCES INSTITUTE Expect: COA Critiquing PSM An Ontology of COA Evaluation Criteria System begins with knowledge of how to evaluate COAs with respect to standard norms of COA development and typical kinds of resources. It can guide the user to add new constraints or resources using the default problem-solving methods or through analogy. The ontology makes integration easier with other critiquers and other planning tools that use it, such as OPIS. Both a critique ontology and a critiquer output ontology have been developed to support this work.

6 USC INFORMATION SCIENCES INSTITUTE Expect: COA Critiquing PSM Developing COA critiquing tools with EXPECT COA Evaluation Tool EXPECT COA Generation - by user - (semi-)automated -... knowledge about COA evaluation + criteria to evaluate a COA + HPKB knowledge base COAs evaluation of the COA USER User Interface - agenda-based - comparison matrix -... scenario