OhioLINK – ILL Experiences in Licensing ALA June 27, 2004 “The first thing we do, let's kill all the Lawyers.”
ILL in a Group E-Journal License When almost all of the titles accessed and articles used electronically by CC’s and IC’s were never held in print When every university accesses more titles than held in print When 10 of 13 universities use more articles from titles not held in print than from titles held in print When the incremental cost for this access is only 5-15% over the collective print investment
ILL in a Group License- Minimum requirement from 1996 Rights to anything held in print is unaffected If the Member had a print subscription for the title at the time of the initial Agreement the ILL right is retained even if the print copy is cancelled The requested article is printed by the Member and mailed or faxed to the requesting library Everything else is gravy and desirable
Let’s put ILL in perspective Tempest in a teapot Reality does not suggest the publisher’s have anything to fear Massive ILL increases are not our job nor objective nor priority ILL is not the user’s priority or objective