Sharing Documents Between Macintosh and Windows using PDF, HTML and RTF Instructor—Christine Vucinich
Seminar topics: Why it’s so confusing? Transferring files to your own computer Saving files down to earlier versions Saving files as RTF Saving files as HTML Using Adobe Acrobat to create a PDF Question and Answer
Electronic submission: Sending the work as the body of an message “attaching” an electronic file to an message Transferring a file from one computer to the next (FTP) Surface mailing a computer disk with the file on it.
Word of advice: Leave enough time to troubleshoot
Penn State Access Storage Space Right click on “My Computer” to map your drive. Type in \\\dfs\users\x\y\z\xyz123\\\dfs\users\x\y\z\xyz123 Log in
ANGEL PSU Instructors can set up teams where students can share easily share files with each other. Students can share files with other students and Attend ANGEL: Course Feedback and Student Management Seminar for more information