Timber legality verification system. Process The formulation process was undertaken under UK-Indonesia MoU: “legal timber” definition was agreed, draft.


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Presentation transcript:

Timber legality verification system

Process The formulation process was undertaken under UK-Indonesia MoU: “legal timber” definition was agreed, draft of standard for verification formulated. The formulation process was undertaken under UK-Indonesia MoU: “legal timber” definition was agreed, draft of standard for verification formulated. The formulation process conducted trough multistakeholders consultation and field tests. The formulation process conducted trough multistakeholders consultation and field tests.

Legal Timber “Timber is legal when the validity of its origin, logging permit, logging system and procedures, administration and transport documentation, processing, and trade or transfer are verified as meeting all applicable legal requirements” “Timber is legal when the validity of its origin, logging permit, logging system and procedures, administration and transport documentation, processing, and trade or transfer are verified as meeting all applicable legal requirements”

Current work and progress The finalization process by ad hoc team from NGOs, MoF, Business, Academician The finalization process by ad hoc team from NGOs, MoF, Business, Academician Steering committee chaired by Secretary General of MoF with members from representatives of NGOs, indigenous people organization, business and expert. Steering committee chaired by Secretary General of MoF with members from representatives of NGOs, indigenous people organization, business and expert. The finalized standard is to be adopted as Indonesia standard for timber legality verification. The finalized standard is to be adopted as Indonesia standard for timber legality verification.

Finalization of draft of standard are on detailed scope and substances, verification techniques, governance, setting up guidelines for capacity building of parties going to implement the system Finalization of draft of standard are on detailed scope and substances, verification techniques, governance, setting up guidelines for capacity building of parties going to implement the system Field tests will be conducted in several locations which different from the previous Field tests will be conducted in several locations which different from the previous

The Standard A. Covers both issues: sources of timber and chain of custody 1. Timber source category: - State forest-management unit based (big companies and CBFM) - State forest- non management unit based - Private forest and non forest land 2. Chain of custody: unbroken chain from verified source, transportation, processing until final products

B. Contents: hierarchically arranged within principles, criteria, indicator, verifiers on issues of assurance of area of timber origin and right to utilize, comply with system and procedures of harvesting, environmental and social issues. C. Verification process based on clear traceability and accordance of legally documents with their reality on the ground

D. Operated by independent third party in transparent way E. Allow the participation of public to control the implementation of the standard F. Only valid for certain time period ( 1 yr) to be surveillance and if there is proven violation during license period the license will be revoked.

Legality Verification and Forest Certification FMU-based (natural forest) FC Standard for Natural Forest FC Standard for Natural Forest FMU-based (plantation ) FC standard for plantation forest FMU-based (CBFM) CBFM standard Non FMU-based Private forest Non forest land Chain of Custody