Webquest competition Sarah Stoličná 9.B
Introduction Hello My name is Sarah Stoličná. I live in small town Levoča (in Slovakia). I am fifteen years old and I study at elementary school on Francisciho street. I am in class 9.B.
Ethnic groups and religion The main ethnic group of students in our school are white people - Slovaks. But in Levoča you can also find people of different ethnic group – Roma people. Main religion in our school is Roman Catholicism = cental person is Jesus Christ, his life, death, resurrection and his teaching. We have got also pupils with other religions, for example – Protestants, Greek Catholics or Atheists. I have never seen pupil, who disriminated someone because of the ethnic origin or religion in our school.
Racism My definition of racism: It is something like prejudice against people with physical differences. Racist discriminate people of another ethnic groups, because they are different. Interesting facts: In Zimbabwe was racism against the white farmers because Africans haven't got a lot land In Indonesia there was terror against the Chinese people, because they were blamed for economic problems in that country. President Obama's middle name is Hussain, but he is Christian Some groups as HateWatch have gone as far as buying racist domain names
Xenophobia My definition of xenophobia: It is a fear of anything foreign - for example places, people... Interesting facts: Xenophobia comes from the Greek words xénos ('the stranger' and 'the guest‚) and phóbos ('fear') Xenophobia is a thought that other people are foreign or they are outside the community
Diversity My definition of CULTURAL DIVERSITY: It's variety of human societies in the world We have to respect people from another culture, because we all don't live at the same place, we all have our own traditions and habits – we are all different My definition of ETHNIC DIVERSITY: It is a variety of different ethnic groups I have repeatedly, but we all don't live at the same place, we are all different and in my view it's amazing thing, because we can to know more about them or country in which they live
Why is it important to understand cultural differences? Our world don't need wars and violence. Why we still discriminate people from another ethnic groups with different culture? I don't understand it. We all are the same humans. We have to try to undrstand people from countries all over the world, their languages, their traditions, their thinking. All these things just teach us how to know new region, new folk, new languge or new nature. Meet and get to know each other, throw away prejudices and try to see positive side
Poland Religion and ethnic groups Main nationality : Poles Main religion: Roman Catholicism Other nationality : Other religions: Germans Orthodox Belarusians Atheist Ukrainians
Slovakia Religion and ethnic groups Main nationality : Slovaks Main religion: Roman Catholicism Other nationality : Other religions: Hungarians Protestantism Roma Orthodox Czechs Greek Catholicism Rusyns Jehova ' s Witnesses Ukrainians Atheist
Hungary Religion and ethnic groups Main nationality : Hungarians Main religion: Roman Catholicism Other nationality : Other religions: Roma Greek Catholicism Germans Calvinism Slovaks Lutheranism Croatians Atheist Romanians
Turkey Religion and ethnic groups Main nationality : Turks Main religion: Islam Other nationality : Other religions: Kurds Judaism Greeks Christians Armenians Georgians
Conclusion It doesn't matter if you're black or white, religious or atheist. We all bleed red, we're all the same, we're all human. Why people judge others? Our mission is help and protect, no discrininate someone else. Let's build a world together. World without violence, wars, racism or xenophoby. World full of international love, understanding, friendship and peace. Let's be together like one planet, one country, one family. I hope once in that dream world our children will grow up and we – their parents - will stand by them while they will build relationships with other nationalities.
The end Thank you for your attention