Aztec Empire
History Migrate from North America in 1168 to Mexico Valley where they built the capital of Tenochtitlan near Lake Texcoco. This marks the site where they had seen a sign in the form of an eagle perched on a cactus. In 1521 the Aztecs fell to Hernan Cortes, the Spanish and their allies
Home, religion and school Houses were built of stone or brick (rich), the poor mostly lived in huts Babies were celebrated for the new life in the world All children had mandatory attendance in school to learn behavior, engineering, building, and trade Ate corn, beans, squashes, potatoes, tomatoes, avocadoes, fish, rabbits, armadillos, snakes, coyotes and wild turkey Their religious practices were similar to that of the Mayans
Appearance Upper class – decorated with fans and feathers Commoners – dressed more plan, killed if had a fan or feather
Social Structure Nobles had slaves In free time: Wrote poetry about love, war and religion Played a ball game similar to basketball 20 year old men married women about age Could marry as many as they could afford Used matchmakers
Government In 1428 they formed an alliance with Texcocans and the Tacubans They were ruled by an Emperor, usually with military power At its height the empire had up to 6 million people