WP 6 – The in detail Guideline to the benchmarking model ADRISTORICAL LANDS History, Culture, Tourism, Arts and Ancient Crafts in the European Adriatic Territory
What is destination benchmarking?
Independent face-to-face visitor research (to check criteria and indicators to monitor) – according to the required results for the AL destinations a set of 10 criteria and a general frame for a Consortium Agreement Standard questionnaire ( based on an on-line tool easy-to-access and able to give on-time feedbacks) – Estimated release of the Beta version: already on line for operators and local institutions Results can be compared – Agendas and training kit for sessions to be delivered at local level in order to spread up the model are ready Part of a Performance Management Framework – Gap analysis is the basis for a continuous performance improvement. All the operators and destinations adopting the AL brand should accomplish a required set of minimun quality standards. The benchmarking approach will support them in the process. Methodological guide will be released by the end of march as well
Why do we need destination benchmarking for AL project?
Embody the «vision» in some concrete criteria in order to make it perceived even by the new-comers Invest in a common strategical and managerial model that can guarantee the sustainability of project’s results even afterwards Activate and mobilize operators, investing in a «do-ut- des» committment toward the AL network (and its brand and its promotional strategy) Focus on the selected destinations and enact a continuous quality improvement loop Why do we need destination benchmarking for AL project?
AL as EU funded project as to contribute to the wider EU tourism policy But we would like to develop something «usable» even for the integrated regional tourism strategy (quality assurance, classification)
The general operational scheme
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
The main issue is selecting criteria and indicators to represent the quality an the product we would like to offer.
Define an unique selling proposition is the starting point to set proper benchchmarking criteria and standards Designed to differentiate the tiny country from its booming neighbors China and India, the campaign is focused on the thing from which Bhutan made its name, happiness, which the council says “has irrefutably been proven as the core and the true essence of Bhutan.” Since being coined in the 1970s by the King of Bhutan, the idea of gross national happiness has been used as a cornerstone of Bhutan government policy and has also spread to other countries as a welcome counterweight to GDP, an economic measurement. Now, Bhutan’s tourist authorities are hoping to cash in on the brand, using their new slogan with the country’s blue national flower to headline a push for the upmarket tourism they are keen to develop. Tourism to the unique towns and unspoilt jungles of Bhutan is relatively young by most standards, initiated only in 1974, and although it has grown rapidly in recent years, the government is keen to make sure that visitors don’t have a noticeable impact, preferring low-key visits which contribute a lot financially.
Programme structure After the set up of the benchmarking model, local training sessions -in order to support a quick and easy adoption of the model – should be organised by each single partner. The course can be 1 to 3 days duration.
Learning objectives The training scheme specific objectives are: – To strenghten the AL partners and key members’understanding of the benchmarking method and capacity to develop a partecipatory approach by engaging all relevant stakeholders – To provide operators with a wide set of competences and skills in order to run benchmarking activities throughout the project life cycle in an efficient and effective way – To enable destinations that are involved in the AL network to exchange ideas and learn from their peers’experience.
RM contribution RM is providing everybody with: – The training agenda for a 3 days course – A dedicated « Train the trainers» session accessible via-web for all the partners. The train the trainers session will be delivered in english via wikiseminar on two possible periods: July, 8 or 10 (if any partner intends to start local 3-days sessions in july/august/september); Semptember, 19 or 20 – Training materials, handouts and teaching notes. A dedicated training guide have been conceived for providing step by step instructions and teaching tools to the trainers that will be engaged by the single partner – A dedicated e-learning platform accessibile via project’s web site – A forecast aggregator tool – An intelligent interactive library – A widget-base instruments for easily communicate the basic numbers
RM Contribution The idea is to offer partners a common blueprint for the delivery of the training programme in each country