Title: Arial Bold 95 Pts. Subtitle (Optional): Arial Bold 65 Pts. Authors: Arial 40 Pts. Institutions: Arial 40 Pts. Secondary Heading: Arial 40 Pts. Standard Text Box Arial 35 pts. Line Spacing 0.9 Before Paragraph 0.4 After Paragraph Text Box with Numbered Points 2.Arial 35 pts. 3.Line Spacing 0.9 Before Paragraph 0.4 After Paragraph 0.0 Text Box with Bullet Points Arial 35 pts. Line Spacing 0.9 Before Paragraph 0.4 After Paragraph 0.0 Heading: Arial 52 Pts. Standard Text Box Arial, 28 pts. Line Spacing 0.9 Before Paragraph 0.4 After Paragraph 0.0 Text Box with Bullet Points Arial, 28 pts. Line Spacing 0.9 Before Paragraph 0.4 After Paragraph Text Box with Numbered Points 2.Arial, 28 pts. 3.Line Spacing 0.9 Before Paragraph 0.4 After Paragraph 0.0 Photo Caption: Arial, 28 pts. Photo 1 pt. outline; third color from left in color scheme Two-Line Heading: Arial 52 Pts. To turn the guides on or off, right mouse click on blue area outside slide area and click on Grid and Guides>Check Display drawing guides on screen Would you like to build your own layout with mixed column widths and heights? Download: OSUMC Custom Poster Template.pptx on BrandSource. Label 1 Label 2 Label 3 Label 4 Chart, Graph or Table Heading: Arial Bold 35 Pts.
Title: Arial Bold 95 Pts. Authors: Arial 40 Pts. Institutions: Arial 40 Pts. Subtitle (Optional): Arial Bold 65 Pts. Secondary Heading: Arial 40 Pts. Standard Text Box Arial 35 pts. Line Spacing 0.9 Before Paragraph 0.4 After Paragraph 0.0 Heading: Arial 52 Pts. Standard Text Box Arial, 28 pts. Line Spacing 0.9 Before Paragraph 0.4 After Paragraph 0.0 Text Box with Bullet Points Arial, 28 pts. Line Spacing 0.9 Before Paragraph 0.4 After Paragraph Text Box with Numbered Points 2.Arial, 28 pts. 3.Line Spacing 0.9 Before Paragraph 0.4 After Paragraph Text Box with Numbered Points 2.Arial 35 pts. 3.Line Spacing 0.9 Before Paragraph 0.4 After Paragraph 0.0 Text Box with Bullet Points Arial 35 pts. Line Spacing 0.9 Before Paragraph 0.4 After Paragraph 0.0 Photo Caption: Arial, 28 pts. Photo 1 pt. outline; third color from left in color scheme Two-Line Heading: Arial 52 Pts. To turn the guides on or off, right mouse click on blue area outside slide area and click on Grid and Guides>Check Display drawing guides on screen Would you like to build your own layout with mixed column widths and heights? Download: OSUMC Custom Poster Template.pptx on BrandSource. Label 1 Label 2 Label 3 Label 4 Chart, Graph or Table Heading: Arial Bold 35 Pts.
Authors: Arial 40 Pts. Institutions: Arial 40 Pts. Title: Arial Bold 95 Pts. Subtitle (Optional): Arial Bold 65 Pts. Heading: Arial 52 Pts. Secondary Heading: Arial 40 Pts. Standard Text Box Arial 35 pts. Line Spacing 0.9 Before Paragraph 0.4 After Paragraph Text Box with Numbered Points 2.Arial 35 pts. 3.Line Spacing 0.9 Before Paragraph 0.4 After Paragraph 0.0 Text Box with Bullet Points Arial 35 pts. Line Spacing 0.9 Before Paragraph 0.4 After Paragraph 0.0 Standard Text Box Arial, 28 pts. Line Spacing 0.9 Before Paragraph 0.4 After Paragraph 0.0 Text Box with Bullet Points Arial, 28 pts. Line Spacing 0.9 Before Paragraph 0.4 After Paragraph Text Box with Numbered Points 2.Arial, 28 pts. 3.Line Spacing 0.9 Before Paragraph 0.4 After Paragraph 0.0 Photo Caption: Arial, 28 pts. Photo 1 pt. outline; use third color from left in color scheme Two-Line Heading: Arial 52 Pts. To turn the guides on or off, right mouse click on blue area outside slide area and click on Grid and Guides>Check Display drawing guides on screen Would you like to build your own layout with mixed column widths and heights? Download: OSUMC Custom Poster Template.pptx on BrandSource. Label 1 Label 2 Label 3 Label 4 Chart, Graph or Table Heading: Arial Bold 35 Pts.