Columbia University and ReCAP July 24, 2008 Zack Lane ReCAP Coordinator (212)
What does “ReCAP” mean? ReCAP is an acronym for Research Collections and Preservation ConsortiumResearch Collections and Preservation Consortium The facility is shared between Columbia University, Princeton University and New York Public Library It provides a secure environment to provide quick access to low-use collections
What is ReCAP? It is a high density, environment controlled storage facility Libraries have long sought efficient methods to store large collections The facility is designed on the “Harvard Model.” The Harvard Depository was built in 1986; ReCAP opened in 2002.Harvard Depository
Where is ReCAP? ReCAP is located on Princeton University’s Forrestal Campus, in Plainsboro, New Jersey.
How Large is ReCAP? ReCAP currently holds 6.78 million volumes in five completed modules; 3.02 million belong to CUL.
Access Service Viewpoint ReCAP functions as an integral part of Columbia University Libraries print collection Quick access is critical to the function of ReCAP Transfer, request and delivery mechanisms are a combination of automated and human process
Request Permissions Who can place requests? 1) Patrons: place requests in CLIO. Patrons may also have mediated requests placed by staff. 2) Staff: have several methods of placing requests. Access to the ReCAP Request Forms is controlled by UNI. ReCAP Request Forms
Request schematic ReCAP Patron CLIO Staff
Patron Request Schematic ReCAP Patron CLIO
Patron Requests May only be placed for public CLIO locations (e.g. off,rbms is non- public and does not display request buttons) Any valid UNI will allow request in CLIO, printing UNIs included A UNI may not have a address for notification
Patron Requests cont. Patron must have borrowing privileges to check out ReCAP items Many items are In- Library Use Only and do not circulate Patrons are notified by about circulation status
Staff Requests Staff place requests using one of 5 methods: 1.Public Request 2.Mediated Request 3.ILL Request 4.Non-CLIO Request 5.Restricted Access Request
Public, Mediated and ILL Schematic ReCAP CLIO Staff
Public Requests Public Requests are now equivalent to Mediated Requests Previously the field was auto-filled with a patron’s address and locked Many Alumni have not set up forwarding Some patrons don’t have s
Mediated Request Mediated requests are used for visiting scholars and other patrons without UNIs Use the Voyager Bib ID number to access the “Request It” page Instructions are on posted on ReCAP website. Click on link to Mediated Requests.ReCAP websiteMediated Requests
ILL Request Used primarily for ILL and Borrow Direct transactions ILL Requests are identical to Mediated Requests
Non-CLIO Request Schematic ReCAP CLIO Staff
Non-CLIO Request Non-CLIO requests are for items accessioned at ReCAP but not in CLIO All staff can access this request form Typically these items were moved in bulk for future processing, e.g. Business Library’s Corporate Reports Corporate Reports Requests are still subject to delivery limitations
Restricted Access Schematic ReCAP CLIO Staff
Restricted Access Request Restricted requests are placed for non- public CLIO locations (e.g. off,rbms) Access to the site is limited by control file Only authorized staff may place requests
Request schematic (again) ReCAP Patron CLIO Staff
Transfer/Accession Diagram
On Shelf at CUL glx circ
Processed for Transfer to ReCAP glx circ CU12345
Accession at ReCAP ReCAP scans barcodes into GFA database with pre-determined customer codes Customer code limits collection and delivery permission GFA database contain only 1) barcode, 2) customer code and 3)shelf location data
Accessioned at ReCAP glx circ CU12345 CU Mod1 Bay4 Shelf3
Requestable in CLIO off,glx circ CU12345 CU Mod1 Bay4 Shelf3
“off,xxx” and Request Button Batch file of newly accessioned barcodes sent to CUL every Friday CLIO locations are flipped to “off,xxx” from this file Request button appears Lag time between location flip and appearance of request button is 1-2 hours
Timeframe Voyager