Faculty Information Fall 2010
Early Alert System Program is designed to identify students who are not attending class regularly or are experiencing difficulties that might negatively impact their academic performance Faculty are the first line of defense in identification of and assistance for these students s will be sent to all faculty teaching undergraduate students will be identified as follows: From: Undergraduate Student Success/Academic Affairs Reply-to Address: Subject: Faculty Alert, At-Risk Student Identification Enable pop-ups in order to utilize full functionality of survey
Faculty Alert Click this link to access the list of courses you teach associated with this survey.
List of Courses You Teach Click the hyperlinks associated with each course listed to view your rosters and begin reporting.
Your Roster Make sure you click “finalize” when you have finished reporting; please finalize all reports even if you have nothing to report.
Confirmation of Status When you Save or Finalize a survey, you will see a screen indicating the status of the survey associated with that course. This is your confirmation. When you click “Save” or “Finalize” this screen will appear. The status of the survey associated with each course will be displayed. This is your confirmation.
Student Success Outreach System is monitored daily by Office of Undergraduate Student Success Students who have been reported are contacted by Office of Undergraduate Student Success within 72 hours Students who are indicated a Behavioral Risk are sent to the Student Behavioral Concerns Committee, chaired by Dr. Brad Williams Students are directed to a multitude of services available on campus to support their success, including the Office of Academic Services (tutoring and testing), Student Counseling, and Financial Aid Students are offered the opportunity to meet with a Success Coach Success Coach helps students identify areas of strengths and areas needing improvement Success Coach refers students to campus resources Any questions or concerns, contact Jane Duncan x28535)