An assessor or supervisor must sign/comment to confirm that the candidate has successfully completed each of the parts below. WRE: Work experience/work focused activities WRE: Enterprise activity PSE: Key issues PSE: Community Participation WEW: Key issues WEW: Language Module
Wales, Europe and the World, PSE Candidates must evaluate one Key Issue from each of the four elements. The candidate must provide evidence of a range of activities undertaken when considering four of the PSE/WEW key issues.
Wales, Europe and the World, Personal & Social Education When identifying challenges related to the issues considered, the candidate must not merely describe activities or state facts, but explain and/or offer evaluative comments on the relevant key issue.
Descriptive questions The purpose of these questions is to set the scene and put this particular section of the diary in context. This candidate describes several activities, also usefully commenting on why they were undertaken.
More challenging questions The candidate comments on the need for a more modern promotion of the Eisteddfod and Welsh culture to young people and the implications of Wales being a multi cultural society.
More challenging questions The candidate makes relevant and convincing statements appropriate to the Advanced level. The quality of English could have been better at this level.
Evaluate not just describe Here the response is not adequate on the enterprise activity because the candidate has only described and not evaluated his/her contribution i.e. offered a comment/s on how successful they were in an aspect of the task and why.
In the example above the candidate has clearly answered both parts. Answer all parts of the question
In the example above the candidate has clearly answered both parts.
Sometimes bullet points can be used effectively. The candidate should have given more detailed examples e.g. several members of the group were not present to collect donations because of poor time management or we knew regular meetings were important so we held a meeting of the whole group every week and kept records of them so everyone knew what to do.
Always read the questions carefully and do what you are asked.