A lesson plan for "Erna Goldmann" film CSA 2013
Target audience: 11 th grade Length of unit: 3-4 lessons. Length of each lesson: 45 minutes Supplies Required 1. A room with computer, over-head projector, internet. 2. Computer room
Curriculum general history history of Zionism The state of Israel
GOALS The student will learn to see and understand timeline. The student will put together a whole picture of what he learned. Through the individual story, he will learn to understand the historical process he has learned. Comprehension of the film Movie analysis
An instruction paper Who does the film talk about? Where does it take place? When does it start and end? What subjects that have been learned this year are portrayed in this film? What subjects are missing? What are the things that the film doesn’t show? Why do you think the directors chose to put certain topics in the film and ignore others?
Second Lesson Go to Centropa site After reading Erna Goldman's full interview: What are the topics that haven’t been introduced in the film? Why? Choose one historical event, place it on the timeline explain the event up to 20 words Place the personal event from Erna Goldman's film or interview on the timeline. Choose one of your family members that had a personal event at that time and place it on the time line. Explain in 20 words who your relative is and what the event is. If you can – add a photo.
Summary Points of discussion: How do you feel about the film? Was it meaningful for you? What do we need to pay attention to when watching a movie? Can a film be a historical source? What is the difference between a film and a written article or an interview? For more information use the article of Robert A. Rosenstone "The Historical Film as Real History" mhistoria/Art._Rosenstone.doc.pdf mhistoria/Art._Rosenstone.doc.pdf