Joint Programming Overview, State of Play DEVCO DEVELOPMENT DAYS Working Groups on JP 03 March 2015 DEVCO/A2 Aid and Development Effectiveness and Financing EEAS/VI.B.2 Development Cooperation Coordination Division
Joint Programming commitment: Single multi-annual country strategy of EU and MS Council Conclusions November Joint analysis of and joint response to partner country’s development strategy 2.Identification of sectors of intervention and in-country division of labour: who is working in which sectors 3.Indicative multi-annual financial allocations per sector and donor Principles: 1.It is mainly an in-country process led by EU Delegations and MS embassies 2.Alignment and synchronisation with partner country planning 3.Gradual approach
Joint Programming: The value added Speak with one voice Improve complementarity of political message and action, which might lead to more impact Gives EU a visible face Improves transparency, predictability, accountability Facilitates joint implementation Potential to reduce bureaucracy, fragmentation and costs for all actors involved Living up to our aid effectiveness commitments
Illustration of potential Mozambique Country Programmable Aid (CPA) Data source: OECD/DAC 2013 When EU+ acts as one Fragmented aid
In-country progress 14 Joint Programming documents agreed ( ): Burma/Myanmar, Burundi, Cambodia, Chad, Comoros, Ghana, Guatemala, Laos, Mali, Namibia, Rwanda, Senegal, South Sudan, Togo 4 Joint analysis/response strategies agreed ( ): Bolivia, Ethiopia, Cote d'Ivoire, Palestine 5 additional Joint Programming documents in 2015: Armenia (joint analysis), Georgia, Kenya, Paraguay, Uganda 30+ countries for
Windows for JP per year ? BoliviaArmeniaAfghanistanAlgeria?Cambodia phase 2Azerbaijan Burma/MyanmarGeorgiaBangladeshBolivia phase 2HondurasBelarus BurundiKenyaBeninBurundi phase 2Kenya phase 2Jordan CambodiaParaguayBurkina FasoEgypt?NicaraguaLebanon ChadUgandaChad phase 2Georgia phase 2Paraguay phase 2Libya Comoros Côte d'Ivoire phase 2Ghana phase 2Rwanda phase 2 Côte d'Ivoire El SalvadorGuatemala phase 2 Ethiopia Ethiopia phase 2Liberia Ghana HaitiMali phase 2 Guatemala Laos phase 2Moldova? Laos MalawiPalestine Mali MauritaniaPhilippines Namibia MoroccoSenegal phase 2 Rwanda MozambiqueSierra Leone Senegal NepalSouth Sudan phase 2 South Sudan NigerTogo phase 2 Togo PakistanUkraine? Tanzania Tunisia Vietnam Yemen Zimbabwe
From Joint Programming towards Joint Implementation Joint Programming facilitates Joint Implementation Division of labour within sectors: sector mapping and coordination; sector dialogue; who does what (best), donor roles (lead, active); managing exits; indicative allocations Use toolkit on Division of Labour (June 2009) Joint sector results frameworks: joint goals/indicators built on partner country systems; joint monitoring, evaluation and reporting; ensure joint EU+MS visibility From sector coordination towards: joint analysis/appraisals and sector response; joint aid modalities (budget support, pooled funding, delegated cooperation, trust funds, TA pooling) facilitating work with non-EU donors
In-country progress Quality of documents has improved: Better analysis Increased division of labour Inclusion of indicative allocations First move towards results frameworks and monitoring
Regional breakdown Dark green = Joint programming agreed Middle dark = Potential, but not agreed yet Light green = No Joint Programming at this stage
Financial impact of Joint Programming
Regional Joint Programming workshops Objectives: update from HQ; guidance; exchange experiences; address local challenges; identify good practice and support needed Target group: EU Delegations and MS embassies (Heads of Cooperation's); also participation of EEAS, Commission and MS HQs Regional Workshops were organised in: Latin America, Central, East & Southern Africa, West Africa, and Neighbourhood Planning: Asia, Myanmar/Burma, April 2015
The way forward 1. Focus on implementation of JP commitments by EU and MS through “JP Roadmaps”, led by the EU Delegations. 2. Monitoring & Evaluation 3. Technical support consultants 4. EU JP Guidance Pack
Objectives and components of the Guidance Pack Objectives: Provide practical guidance to EU Delegations and MS Embassies on Joint Programming and also to HQs staff, based on 3 years of experience and good practices Components: Quick Guide FAQs Joint Analysis menu Joint Response menu Roadmap menu
FAQs: providing answers to key/recurrent questions (FAQs) Benefits of joint programming How to achieve, implement and monitor Division of labour and synchronisation Role of partner country Role of capitals/HQs Role of non-EU donors, civil society and private sector Joint programming in fragile states and Middle Income Countries Support and helpdesk functions
Joint Analysis menu Political situation Economic situation Social situation and vulnerability Environmental situation Regional integration and cooperation Country capacities Donor presences Overarching issues (Agenda for Change, ENI policies)
Joint Response menu Advice on drafting process Overview of EU+MS (current) cooperation Overall vision on country European values, common positions Strategic objectives Sectors of intervention Synchronisation and (future) division of labour (process) Fragile states: development/security, linking relief, rehabilitation and development (LRRD) Indicative allocations Monitoring, evaluation and communication
Roadmap menu Overview: why JP; state of play; summary of country specific approach Delivery schedule/process: goals; added value; consultation government and other actors; structure of JP doc; endorsement procedure (with HQs); which (EU) donors participate; timeline/planning incl. intermediary steps Communication to HQs: what to expect from HQs to enable process; request for substitution of bilateral programming by JP Challenges and risks
Consultative process with EU MS & status Consultative Process: The Guidance pack was drafted under the direction of DEVCO and EEAS It has been submitted to EU MS for consultation and comments Status: Positive response by EU DGs Finalising in the course of Feb; EEAS/DEVCO to share with EU DELs and MS HQs, which share with embassies Posted on Cap4Dev: guidance-pack-2015
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