Singular and Plural Nouns
Singular Nouns principal toe pickle photograph
Rule Add s to most nouns to make them plural.
Plural Nouns principals toes pickles photographs
Singular Nouns peach toothbrush box dress
Rule Add es to most nouns ending in ch, sh, s, ss, z, or x.
Plural Nouns peaches toothbrushes boxes dresses
Singular Nouns story battery puppy
Rule If a noun ends in a consonant and y, change the y to i and add es.
Plural Nouns stories batteries puppies
Singular Nouns toy monkey day
Rule If a noun ends in a vowel and y, add s to make it plural.
Plural Nouns toys monkeys days
Singular Nouns leaf wife half wolf
Rule Some nouns ending in f or fe are made plural by changing the f to a v and adding es.
Plural Nouns leaves wives halves wolves
Singular Nouns roof handkerchief belief hoof
Rule Some nouns ending in f are made plural by adding s.
Plural Nouns roofs handkerchiefs beliefs hoofs
Singular Nouns radio stereo patio video
Rule Most nouns ending in o that have a vowel just before the o are made plural by adding s.
Plural Nouns radios stereos patios videos
Singular Nouns tomato potato tornado piano cello
Rule Some nouns ending in o that have a consonant just before the o are made plural by adding es, but with others you just add s.
Plural Nouns tomatoes potatoes tornadoes pianos cellos
Singular Nouns child mouse man
Rule A few nouns have irregular plural forms where you change the whole word.
Plural Nouns children mice men
Singular Nouns foot tooth goose
Rule In a few nouns, you need to change the oo to ee to make the words plural.
Plural Nouns feet teeth geese
Singular Nouns sheep trout fish deer moose
Rule A few nouns have the same form for both the singular and plural form.
Plural Nouns sheep trout fish deer moose