Alphabet Book for First Grade Students Created By: Kelly Patton
Learning Standards This alphabet book is meant to be used with first grade students. The following fluency reading standards are met using this alphabet book: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.1.4 Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.1.4a Read grade-level text with purpose and understanding. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.1.4c Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary. (Common Core State Standards Initiative:
Instructions for Use Students, teachers, or parents can navigate the book using the arrows provided or simply using their mouse or keyboard arrows. First, users should read the word and view the picture. They should then read the riddle or have the riddle read to them by a parent or instructor. Next, users should click on the smiley face to uncover the answer to the riddle. Finally, users should click the yellow link at the bottom of each page to view an activity, video, or informational website about each topic. The arrows at the bottom of each page will take the user to the next slide or the previous slide. The info button at the top right will take the user back to these instructions.
Angelfish What kind of fish go to heaven? Angelfish!
Blowfish What fish is the best at blowing bubbles? A blowfish!
Crab Who has claws and is always in a bad mood? A crab!
Dolphin Who is the most fun and playful creature in the sea? A dolphin!
Electric Eel What fish can make a light bulb glow? An electric eel!
Frog What is green and jumps? A frog!
Goldfish Why are goldfish orange? The water makes them rusty!
Hermit Crab What lives in the ocean, is grouchy, and hates neighbors? A Hermit Crab!
IceFish Who is the chilliest fish in the sea? The icefish!
Jellyfish What kind of fish goes well with peanut butter? Jellyfish!
King Triton Who is the ruler of the sea? King Triton!
Lobster What has two big claws and is sometimes a tasty meal? Lobster!
Mermaid What kind of maid lives in the sea? A mermaid!
Nemo What little clownfish got lost in the sea? Nemo!
Ocean Where do surfers find their waves? The ocean!
Piranha What fish has sharp teeth and is always hungry? A piranha!
Quillfish What fish looks like a feather you can write with? A quillfish!
Rainbow Fish Who has the most colorful scales in the sea? Rainbow Fish!
Seahorse What kind of horse can swim underwater without coming up for air? A Seahorse!
Turtle What creature lives in a shell and moves slow and steady? A turtle!
Unicorn Fish What fish has a horn on it’s head? A Unicorn Fish!
Viperfish What fish scared Dory and Marlin in Finding Nemo? A Viperfish!
Walrus What creature has whiskers and big tusks? A walrus!
X-ray Fish What kind of fish can you see right through? An x-ray Fish!
Yellow Fish One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish. What color fish rhymes with jello fish? Yellow fish!
Zebra Fish What do you get when you cross a zebra and a fish? A Zebra Fish!
Citations Clipart: art/fish_under_the_sea_clip_art_20259.html Riddles: jokes/ h-jokes/ Facts and Links: