The Next New Subgroup: Understanding how Boys and Girls Really Are Different Administrators’ Webinar - January 2011
Goal Sessions: Understand the brain science and gender differences Create ways to reach the needs of both boys and girls Build a plan to take the information back to your staff
“I do the very best I know how - the very best I can; and I mean to keep on doing so until the end.” Abraham Lincoln
True/False 1.Colleges are ‘gender-blind’ in admittance.
1. Colleges are ‘gender-blind’ in admittance? Video 70/30 ratio 12 percentage points Vocational Tech Programs
True/False 2. There are more girls graduating college with honors than boys.
2. There are more girls graduating college with honors than boys. Women leave men in dust Motivation Lack of focus
True/False 3. Boys typically don’t do well in school because rules are based on those established by women.
3. Boys typically don’t do well in school because rules are based on those established by women. Boys Code Female structure Details Feelings
True/False 4. Girls hear differently than boys.
4. Girls hear differently than boys. Girls and the female teacher Girls and the male teacher Boys and the female teacher Boys and the male teacher
True/False 5. Girls process language at a more rapid rate than boys.
5. Girls process language at a more rapid rate than boys. Clock Partner Corpus Collosum Teaching Strategies 12_________ _________3 _________6 9_________
True/False 6.Brains in boys develop faster than brains in girls.
6. Brains in boys develop faster than brains in girls. About two year age gap at age 5 Parts of brain develop in a similar order Kindergarten & the Standards based movement
True/False 7. Boys and girls see the same.
7. Boys and girls see the same. M Cells (movement/action) P Cells (color/texture) Classroom creation Writing connection
True/False 8. Girls and boys are ready to read at the same time.
8. Girls and boys are ready to read at the same time. Brains develop at different rates Mem Fox study Symbolic (sensory ladder) Experience
True/False 9. Boys and girls are hardwired differently.
9. Boys and girls are hardwired differently. Newborn baby study conducted Study of apes Trucks and dolls What does it mean?
True/False 10. Teachers should create gender neutral classrooms.
10. Teachers should create gender neutral classrooms Boys—Give them action—don’t verbally discuss Avoid, “Are you going to be good today? “Think about what today is going to look like?” Females have a larger corpus collosum (eight lane highway) Males have smaller (one way road) Stress Curves –Male comes in after not having a good day and says, “Don’t touch me. I hate me.” That is a stress curve. Let him be. When he is finished say, “Don’t ever do that again.”
So, why does gender matter? Create a chart As you listen to the video… –Write 3 new facts that you learned –State two questions you want to have answered by peers or investigate on your own –One thing you will do differently in your classroom this fall
Next Steps What does this mean for you? Develop an action plan chart with your Learning Club stating how you plan to share this information with your staff. Include specific changes you will make Share with the group.
True/False 1.Colleges are ‘gender-blind’ in admittance. 2.There are more girls graduating college with honors than boys. 3.Boys typically don’t do well in school because rules are based on those established by women. 4.Girls hear differently than boys. 5.Girls process language at a more rapid rate than boys.
True/False 6.Brains in boys develop faster than brains in girls. 7.Boys and girls see the same. 8.Girls and boys are ready to read at the same time. 9.Boys and girls are hardwired differently. 10.Teachers should create gender neutral classrooms.