Walgreens Health Initiatives Maximizing Your Rx Drug Benefits Presented to Drury University Michele Pence Account Manager
Overview H Copays H Step Care Programs H Days Supply at Walgreens Pharmacies H
Drury University Prescription Plan Retail Mail & Advan.90 Generic $7$14 Non Preferred $40 or 10% $80 or 20% Preferred $20 or 10% $40 or 20% (Up to 30 Days Supply) ( Days Supply) (Whichever is Greater) (Whichever is Greater)
Drugs Requiring Step Care Therapy: H H Cox II Inhibitors (i.e. Vioxx, Celebrex, Bextra) H H Proton Pump Inhibitors (i.e. Aciphex, Nexium, Prevacid, Protonix) H H Leukotriene Antagonists (i.e. Singulair) H H Claritin OTC (i.e. Allegra, Clarinex, Zyrtec) Require utilization of an effective first-line agent before a more expensive alternative may be covered/dispensed.
Advantage90 TM … Advantage90 TM … Member Advantages H Walgreens Retail Pharmacies H Day Maintenance Medications Available H Overall Reduction in Rx Spend H Choice H Convenience H Satisfaction