First aid is emergency care given immediately to an injured person. The purpose of first aid is to minimize injury and future disability. In serious cases, first aid may be necessary to keep the victim alive. First aid may be required for medical emergencies such as heart attack, stroke, or seizures as well as for minor medical conditions like nosebleed and mild allergic reactions.
First aid is a very important skill for anyone to have. Knowing what to do in a medical emergency can be the difference between life and death. If there is in accident, knowing first aid could reduced the danger posed by the injury.
Some examples where first aid knowledge would be important include: 1. Allergic reactions 2. Animal bites 3. Broken limbs 4. Burns, chemical burns 5. Chocking 6. Cuts and bleeding 7. Heart attacks
A first aid kit is a necessary tool to ensure safety in a workplace.
First aid kits should include the following: 1. Emergency telephone numbers for EMS/9-1-1, your local poison control centre, and your personal doctors 2. Home and office phone numbers for family members, friends, or neighbours who can help 3. Sterile gauze pads (dressings) in small and large squares to place over wounds 4. Adhesive tape 5. Roller and triangular bandages to hold dressings in place or to make an arm sling 6. Adhesive bandages in assorted sizes 7. Scissors 8. Tweezers 9. Safety pins 10. Instant ice packs 11. Disposable non-latex gloves, such as surgical or examination gloves 12. Flashlight, with extra batteries in a separate bag 13. Antiseptic wipes or soap 14. Pencil and pad 15. Emergency blanket 16. Eye patches 17. Thermometer 18. Barrier devices, such as a pocket mask or face shield 19. Coins for pay phone 20. Canadian Red Cross first aid manual
Some workplaces require employees to take a course in first aid. These courses provide training for what to in emergencies and how to react when someone is injured.