DSTP-OR AERA Presentation Montreal April 15, 2005
2 About Delaware 19 school districts –16 regular – at least 2 schools in a district –3 countywide vocational-technical districts –Serve about 115,000 students –Largest district serves about 20,000 students –Smallest district serves about 1,000 students –Urban, suburban, rural schools –Public school choice and charter –Reported disaggregated data by school for about 30 years
3 About Delaware Delaware Student Testing Program (DSTP) Includes: Reading grades 2 – 10 Writing grades 2 – 10 Math grades 2 – 10 Science grades 4, 6, 8, and 11 Social Studies grades 4, 6, 8, and 11 Alternative Portfolio for Students with Severe Cognitive Disabilities (DAPA)
4 About Delaware Delaware Student Testing Program (DSTP) Includes: All students Data by Subgroups Race/ethnicity Students with Limited English Proficiency Students with Disabilities Economically Disadvantaged Students Gender Title I Migrant
5 Designed to provide meaningful, helpful, accurate, and timely feedback to schools, districts and communities Tool used to provide individual student test results back to schools so that appropriate decisions can be made State law – students well below the standard in reading at grades 3, 5, and 8 and / or math at grade 8 must attend summer school and re-take DSTP Short time span to find out who needs to attend summer school and who needs additional help and support for next school year Delaware Student Testing Program On-Line Reports (DSTP-OR)
6 Designed to provide meaningful, helpful, accurate, and timely feedback to schools, districts and communities 46,912 hits in first 12 hours of data release 171,242 hits in first 2 weeks of data release 539,029 hits from May 24, 2004 to March 2005 Public-accessible section for summary information Contains data from 1998 to 2004 (2005 added in June) Secure password-protected section for individual student scores and group information 1,810 registered users Delaware Student Testing Program On-Line Reports (DSTP-OR)
7 DSTP-OR Access Request Form Complete the form, applicant and administrator sign. The Superintendent approves district-wide or multi-school access. Building Principals approve single-school access form to the Department of Education
8 Choose an Option: Public Access Accessing DSTP On-Line Reports (Public Access)
9 The opening page of the “Public Access” site gives users a quick statewide summary for 1998 thru the most recent administration of the DSTP. DSTP-OR Public Access (Quick Statewide Summary)
10 Click on the District or Charter School you want. DSTP-OR Public Access (District and School Summary Reports)
11 Click on the type of report you prefer DSTP-OR Public Access (District Summary Reports)
12 DSTP-OR Public Access (Example of a By-School Summary Report)
13 DSTP-OR Public Access (Example of a School Summary Report)
14 DSTP-OR Public Access (Example of a District Disaggregated Summary Report)
15 DSTP-OR Public Access (Example of a Two-Year Matched-Score Report)
16 DSTP-OR Public Access (Example of an Instructional Needs Summary Report)
17 DSTP-OR Registered-User Access Web interface Authorized users Access individual student data Reports for a selected group of students Summary reports – state, district, school, and classroom Tabular format Download reports into spreadsheet
18 DSTP-OR Registered-User Access (Log-in) You can log-in using your: Username Password Click here for an Access Request Form
19 DSTP-OR Registered-User Access (Log-in)
20 DSTP-OR Registered-User Access (Available Reports) Click here to go to the Single Sign-On homepage. After you login you can choose one of the available reports.
21 DSTP-OR Registered-User Access (Selecting a Group of Students) Select the District and Test Year Then click on “Continue”
22 DSTP-OR Registered-User Access (Selecting a Group of Students) Make sure the district, school, grade, and school year are correct Then click on “get students in the selected school/grade” Or, you can enter up to 100 state IDs separated by a comma
23 DSTP-OR Registered-User Access (Selecting a Group of Students) You can select individual students by holding down the “Ctrl” key and clicking on the students you want Or, you can select all the students in the list by clicking here Then click “Submit Selection”
24 DSTP-OR Registered-User Access (Selecting a Group of Students) Now you can select a listing by clicking on one of these blue links Or, you can select one of these reports
25 DSTP-OR Registered-User Access (Example of a Selected Report)
26 DSTP-OR Registered-User Access (Code Listings) Click on any of the blue links to see a listing of codes.
27 DSTP-OR Registered-User Access (Example of a Code Table)
28 DSTP-OR Registered-User Access (Student Profile, IIPs, and Instructional Needs Reports) Click on a student’s name to look at that Student Profile, Individual Improvement Plan (IIP), or Instructional Needs Report (INR) John Doe Jane Doe
29 DSTP-OR Registered-User Access (Example of a Selected Report) The individual student profile gives you a snapshot of scores for all DSTP tests the student took in Delaware Click on these buttons to view the student’s Individual Improvement Plan (IIP) or Instructional Needs Report (INR)
30 DSTP-OR Registered-User Access (Example of an IIP Cover Page)
31 DSTP-OR Registered-User Access (Example of an IIP for Reading)
32 DSTP-OR Registered-User Access (Example of an IIP for Mathematics)
33 DSTP-OR Registered-User Access (Example of an Instructional Needs Report) The “Pointer” indicates a need in specific instructional areas.
34 DSTP-OR Registered-User Access (Select Responses to Stand-Alone Writing Prompt) The individual student profile gives you a snapshot of scores for all DSTP tests the student took in Delaware Click on these buttons to view the student’s response to the Stand- Alone Writing Prompt
35 DSTP-OR Registered-User Access (Example of a Response to the Stand-Alone Writing)
36 DSTP-OR Registered-User Access (Example of a Response to the Stand-Alone Writing)
37 DSTP-OR Registered-User Access (Example of a Response to the Stand-Alone Writing)
38 DSTP-OR Registered-User Access (Selecting Summary Reports) You can click here for “Summary Reports” for your selected group Or you can get a summary based on a “Disaggregate Category” Or you can get Two Year Matched Score Reports Or you can get a report of Longitudinal Performance Level
39 DSTP-OR Registered-User Access (Example of a Summary Report for a Selected Group)
40 DSTP-OR Registered-User Access (Example of a Summary Report Disaggregated by Race) Note : Summary information is not reported when the group of students is less than 15.
41 DSTP-OR Registered-User Access (Bar Charts Based on Selected Group Summary Report) Click one of these links to view a bar chart of your summary report
42 DSTP-OR Registered-User Access (Example of a Bar Chart Based on a Selected Group Summary Report)
43 DSTP-OR Registered-User Access (Instructional Needs Reports for a Selected Group) You can click here for an “Instructional Needs Report” for your selected group. Or you can get an “Instructional Needs Report” based on a “Disaggregate Category”.
44 DSTP-OR Registered-User Access (Example of an Instructional Needs Report for a Selected Group) You can “drill- down” to see the specific student that received a particular instructional need by clicking one of the Blue Links
45 DSTP-OR Registered-User Access (Example Report of Individuals Who Received a Particular Instructional Needs Report Comment)
46 DSTP-OR Registered-User Access (Selecting a Two-Year Matched Score Report) Click here to view the “Two-Year Matched Score Reports” for the selected group of students
47 DSTP-OR Registered-User Access (Example of a Selected Report) You can get a student list of matched scores for the entire group by clicking here Or you can “drill- down” to see the specific students in a particular “Matched Score Group” by clicking one of the “Blue Links”
48 DSTP-OR Registered-User Access (Example of a Selected Report)
49 DSTP-OR Registered-User Access (DSTP Promotion and Retention Report) Student accountability is based on DSTP information; however, if evidence that a student can meet the standards is approved by the district, the student can be promoted. Additional information about promotion and retention has to be provided by the district.
50 DSTP-OR Registered-User Access (DSTP Mixed Level Testing Report) Students who do not meet the standards on the DSTP receive extra help and re-take the test. This report lists the individuals and the tests that our records indicate the student should be taking.
51 DSTP-OR Registered-User Access (DSTP Diploma Index Report) The type of diploma (3- tier*) that a student is eligible to earn depends on a “Diploma Index”. The index range is 1 to 5. Reading and math are weighted at 40% each and writing is 20% until the class of In 2006, reading, writing, math, science and social studies will be weighted equally. *Subject to change by legislature
52 Dynamic system User input User-friendly Users provide suggestions and recommendations DOE continues to modify and enhance Delaware Student Testing Program On-Line Reports