Get your brains ready... Get some paper... Get ready to LEARN! Just Kidding!
The Writing Process Better Than Getting a Pony For Christmas!
The Writing Process Five Easy Steps: 1. Planning 2. Drafting 3. Revising 4. Editing 5. Publishing (Yes, you have to memorize these steps)
Let’s Break it Down Cowboy Style!
Step 1: Planning What and How am I Going to Write? A.Determine your Audience For whom are you writing? Should you use formal or informal language? FORMAL Hello. It is a pleasure to see you all again. I hope you enjoy this wonderful lesson. INFORMAL Hey there! Great to see y’all again! Hope ‘ya like this awesome lesson! It’s totally cool!
Step 1: Planning B. Determine your Purpose Are you writing to: Inform ? Persuade ? Entertain ? Describe ? Tell a story?
Step 1: Planning C. Examine the Prompt Prompt – directions for writing What are you supposed to write about? What is the prompt or topic asking you to do? Example prompt: Your teacher has given you an assignment to write an informative essay (you will learn what this means soon). Think about products that are useful every day. Write about these products. Be sure to explain your reasons with details.
Step 1: Planning D. Generate Ideas Brainstorming Outlining Webbing/Mapping Everyday Products Useful computer bed automobile Prompt: Think about products that are useful every day. Write about these products. Be sure to explain your reasons with details. Cellular phone automobile computer Tooth brush I.Useful Products B.bed C.automobile bed
Step 1: Planning E. Organize Ideas Chronological Order – time sequence First, second, third First, next, finally Spatial Order – describing a space From east to west, left to right From top to bottom Order of Importance Least important to most important idea
Step 1: Planning F. Compose a clearly stated THESIS Thesis – one sentence that states the main points of an essay in order. Example: Prompt: Your teacher has given you an assignment to write an informative essay (you will learn what this means soon). Think about products that are useful every day. Write about these products. Be sure to explain your reasons with details. Thesis: Products that are essential to everyday living are a comfortable bed, a dependable computer, and a reliable automobile.
Moving on to Step 2... Real cowboys know how to write a GREAT essay!
Step 2: Drafting Write the essay! Add juicy details and clear descriptions to capture your readers interest.
Here Comes Step 3... Even cowboys love to revise papers!
Step 3: Revising Reread your paper and check for: Consistent point of view (First or Third Person) Transition words (first, next, finally, etc.) Good vocabulary! VIVID VERBS Important details Clear organization
And 4…….Down the trail Even computer horses!
Step 4: Editing Proofread your paper for capitals, punctuation, and spelling.
To remember steps 3 and 4, Just Call the cops! Conventions – capitals, punctuation, and spelling. Organization – Clear beginning, middle and end and great details. Powerful words – strong verbs, precise nouns Sentence Fluency – varying sentence length and beginnings
Finally, step 5!
Step 5: Publishing Re-write your story using the corrections you’ve made. Write in your nicest handwriting. Add an illustration if you choose. Turn it in! You’re done!
The Pirate’s Way of Remembering the Writing Process...
The Writing Process PiratesPlanning EatEditing Don’tDrafting Parrots!Publishing ReallyRevising
When you think of writing, think of the PIRATE diet. Pirates Don’t Really Eat Parrots! Planning Drafting Revising Editing Publishing
Get to learning, mateys, or you’ll be walking the plank on test day! Aaargh! The End