Mallorca Meeting 2-4 April 2008
MilestonesDeliverables M1.1Pilot tools and methods tested on case study simplified dynamics D1.1Report on the case studies M1.2Case study refined dynamics completedD1.2Computer models of the case studies with pattern dynamics and resilience M2.1Pilot tool and method for pattern dynamics completedD2.1Report on the method and tool for computing pattern dynamics M2.2Refined tool and method for pattern dynamics completedD2.2Software prototype of tool for computing pattern dynamics M3.1Pilot tool and method for computing resilience completedD3.1Report on the method and tool for computing resilience M3.2Refined tool and method for computing resilience completed D3.2Software prototype of tool for computing resilience M4.1First version of integrationD4.1Web site M4.2User workshops completedD4.2Training course material M4.3Training course completedD4.3Handbook on integration (pattern resilience) and case studies D5.1Progress reports and meeting minutes
Milestones Pilot tools and methods for pattern dynamics SimExplorer Methods from physics POM Pilot tools and methods for computing resilience Viability and resilience software (1st version) Application of pilot tools and methods on simplified dynamics depends on case studies
Mallorca Meeting Progress in application of pilot methods and tools on simplified dynamics Begin to design the next versions of the models, and of the methods and tools. Organise the work on the periodic report
Mid-term report
Time frame 1st Period covered: from 1st February 2007 to 31 July 2008 (Duration: 18 months) Periodic reports should be submitted within 45 days following the end of the reporting period. ->Deadline: 15 September The Commission staff will assess periodic activity reports within 45 days after reception
Reports The periodic activity report The periodic management report The periodic report on the distribution of the Community’s contribution (It shows the distribution of funds made by the coordinator to contractors during the reporting period)
Periodic activity report Publishable executive summary Section 1: Project objectives and major achievements Section 2: Workpackage progress of the period Section 3: Consortium management Section 4: Other issues Annex – Plan of using and disseminating the knowledge
Periodic management report Section 1 - Justification of major cost items and resources Section 2 – Form C Financial statement per activity for the contractual reporting period, to be completed by each contractor Section 3 – Summary financial report
Work during the meeting Identify during the discussions the points we would like to stress in: the executive summary workpackage progress Have a specific session about dissemination (book)
Resilience: a few reminders
Standard view of resilience Dynamical system with a set of attractors A1A1 A2A2 A3A3
More general resilience problem Dynamical system with possibility of action Desired subset of state space (viability constraint set) A1A1 A2A2 A3A3
Generalised attractor: viability kernel Viability kernel: set of states from which there exists a policy of action maintaining the system inside the constraint set A1A1 A2A2 A3A3
Generalised resilience Capture basin of viability kernel: all states from which there exists a policy of action driving the system into the viability kernel in finite time. The system is resilient for perturbations driving it in this capture basin. A1A1 A2A2 A3A3
Generalised resilience index Associate a cost to the restoration, computation of iso-cost lines A1A1 A2A2 A3A3
16:00 – 16:45 SimExplorer Viability Stochastic differential equations 16:45 – 17:00 break 17:00 – 18:30 Language dynamics Bacteria dynamics Flickr model