nSHIELD Project Meeting Brussels - 15 Feb 2012 Luigi Trono
1 September 2011 Project started 19 October 2011 Kick Off meeting 30 November 2011 Negotiation concluded December 2011 Josef Noll (Movation) signed the Joint Undertaking Grant Agreement. A «Final» Official Technical Annex is available in wiki. However some changes need to be done on it Partners who have their National Grant Agreement signed: In order to receive the funds, The A3 Form have to be signed in three copies. 3 February 2012 Reviewed the Amendments proposed from the Consortium. Some of them were approved, however, they have to be approved from the JU Officer. 31 December 2011 pSHIELD “officially” concluded on 14 February 2012 After 6 Months
Communication between partners is very important and essential for the project. The wiki was a successful tool on pSHIELD: nSHIELD adopted wiki as information exchanging tool and document repository – lets use it. WPs – Tasks – deliverables – PoC All the WP Leaders should check the information loaded in wiki and the consistency with the TA. If not, Leaders should change the info and communicate the change to the involved partners. Several sections on wiki don’t contain the right information (some are still referring to pSHIELD). Action: WP Leaders should update their own sections by February the If any help in updating wiki is needed please refer to the wiki help page or contact Josef Noll. Deliverable owners Each WP Leader should assign a person for each deliverable belonging to the WP. This person is the owner of the deliverable and he is fully responsible for it. Action: WP Leaders to identify owner for each deliverable (to publish on wiki). WPs mailing list: On wiki we set up the mailing list for each WP. People involved in that WP should use the right distribution list. Check if your name is in wiki and if it is in the right mailing list. sent to the whole consortium get less attention! Be more reactive and don't wait for the deadline before submitting input to deliverables Respect the deadlines pSHIELD is closed -> expecting more effort and contributions to nSHIELD from all Partners Communicating between partners
First Official Review will be in October To be able to get there in good shape with the project, the following treatments are required: - Status Report – Every 2 weeks: –Status and progress from the last reportWP Leaders –Actual Plan –Issues - Estimated effort report once a month WP Leaders - Financial report every 3 monthsAll Partners Considering we are slightly late with the progress of the work, we have to work harder to arrive at the Official Review for fully satisfying the Reviewer and the Officer. Here below the nSHIELD timeline project: Official Review 1/9/20111/9/20121/9/20131/9/ days 15 days 31/10/ days Dx.x Periodic Reports
Technical Review 1/9/2011 1/9/ days 31/10/ /10/2012 Full reports due on Starting date 29/2/2012 M1 M2 M3 M4M5 M6 D1.1 D8.1 D1.2 D1.3 D2.1 D3.1 D4.1D5.1 D1.4 D2.2 D8.2 D8.3 D2.3 M7 M11M10M9 M8 D1.5 D2.4 D2.5 D8.4 D2.1 M7 D2.4 WP3 WP2 WP4 WP5 M7 P.Azzoni M.Cesena A.Morgagni I.Eguia A.Poulakidas KO Internal Reports Periodic Project Status Control 31/5/ /3/2012 Preparation for Official Review
Del. no.Deliverable name WP no. Nature Dissemination level Delivery date (proj. onth) Responsible D1.1 Collaborative tools and document repository 1OPP2L.Trono D8.1Web Site8OPU2R.Uribeetxeberria D1.2Quality Control Guidelines1RPP3L.Trono D1.3Liaisons Plan1RPP3L.Trono D2.1Preliminary System Requirements2RCO3S.Drakul D3.1SPD node technologies assessment3RCO4P.Azzoni D4.1 SPD network technologies assessment 4RCO5M.Cesena D5.1 SPD middleware and overlay technologies assessment 5RCO6A.Morgagni D1.4Periodic Management Report 11RPP6L.Trono D2.2 Preliminary System Requirements and Specifications 2RPU6S.Drakul D8.2Dissemination Plan8RPP6R.Uribeetxeberria D8.3Standardization Plan8RPP6L.Trono D2.3 Preliminary system architecture design 2RCO9A.Poulakidas D1.5Periodic Annual Report 11RPP12L.Trono D2.4Reference system architecture design2RPU12A.Poulakidas D2.5 Preliminary SPD Metrics specifications 2RCO12I.Eguia D8.4nSHIELD Operational Manual v18RPU12R.Uribeetxeberria R = Report, P = Prototype, D = Demonstrator, O = Other PU = Public PP = Restricted to other programme participants (including the JU). RE = Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the JU). CO = Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the JU). M1 M2 Preparation for Official Review