As a child we were all fascinated by the wonderful universe. Some wanted to be an astronaut…someone wanted to just go and bring moon rock to keep it with them…. Some wanted to sleep on clouds…some just love space as it is….see SPACE is all one need at times…!
Space?? Astronomy?? Space just means a vast expanse which is free or unoccupied…. Astro is the word from Greek origin. Astron means star in Greek, from it came the word astro. Astro- The thing which is a celestial object or something in outer space etc. Nomy- a specified area of knowledge or the laws governing it. So, Astronomy is the science of space.
Space has lot to offer to even grownups!! YES!!! Even now we can imagine different things about space. There is a lot to learn and more than enough to provide various theories and pass them on and on… Now we will see various careers in this field of science.
Vague descriptions of jobs in space field Astronaut Aerospace engineer Engineer(at different levels with respect to different backgrounds) Space scientist Researcher Faculty Manager or adminstrator Astro photographer
Astronauts commander scientists This person drives the shuttle and technically sound about the health issues of the shuttle. Pilots are chosen for this job maximum times. Engineers with various background subjects(aerospace,aeronauti cal, naval architecture,electronics,mech -anical) also have chances. These go into space to research on various aspects. Most of the times they get to research by considering themselves as a lab rat. Physicists, astro biologists, chemical engineers and other researchers and space scientists are taken into consideration. Visit for more info ntent/timeline.htm
Engineers-(physicists,astronauts, managers and administrators ) Aeronautics, Aviation and Aerospace- designing, building, maintaining, testing all kinds of aircrafts and spacecrafts Aerospace engineer : Study of flight IN and BEYOND earth’s atmosphere. Includes Mechanics, Mechanical, Aero dynamics Aeronautical engineer: Study of how things fly Aviation : How to operate any type of aircraft, air traffic control, aviation safety, management Requirements: Bachelor’s degree and often master’s/doctoral degree are necessary. Visit for more information
Electronics and communication engineers : Image processing, data acquisition, programming and coding for various operational parts, optical engineering, instrumentation, radio astronomer. Computer science and information technology engg.: Coding for various operational parts, information security,etc.. Chemical engineers: Astro chemical scientists works for research of extra terrestrial life, study about functioning of various elements or organisms in space Requirements: Bachelor’s degree in above streams with master’s (often postdoctoral)degree in some specific area of interest relating to space science. Direct space science and technology/engineering courses are also available. Works done by various engineers in space fields
Space scientist Various degree programs are offered in on space science, interstellar evolution, cosmology, planetary exploration, space studies, space transportation which may help students to deepen knowledge about being a space scientist A bachelor of sciences in space science/earth& space science + Master degree and post doctoral degree in atmospheric/space sciences Alternatives : Astronomer—UG in physics and PhD in astronomy. Should have strong physics background, telescope knowledge, should be able to develop theories regarding space. Geo scientist—Bachelor’s degree in geo science ( Deals with earth, how planet works, natural resource exploration, environmental protection, etc...)
With science and math Atmospheric and space scientists Computer and information research scientists Geo scientists except for hydrologists and geographers Physicists Radio frequency identification device specialists Remote sensing scientists and technologists Remote sensing technicians
With engineering and technology Aerospace engineers Astronauts Chemical engineers Managers and administrators Photonics engineers Solar energy systems engineers
The only thing that draws us back is that very thought. So lets believe in self and start working for a greater tomorrow. THANK YOU