The Two Party System Matt McCroskey 2 nd period APUSH Mr. Fisher
Intro/background Most subtantial change after 1840 election Most subtantial change after 1840 election Two party system couldn't have occurred during era of good feelings Two party system couldn't have occurred during era of good feelings Jeffersonians did such a good job of absorbing opposition into democratic republican partyg Jeffersonians did such a good job of absorbing opposition into democratic republican partyg Whigs wanted to break away from Jacksonian policies Whigs wanted to break away from Jacksonian policies Jackson's stretching of power turned off Whigs, needed to create a separte, strong party Jackson's stretching of power turned off Whigs, needed to create a separte, strong party e.g. removal of national bank, Indian Removal Act, etc.
Democrats Vs. Whigs -Ideas rooted in Democratic Republican party Democrats Wanted to protect patronage Wanted to protect patronage State's rights, limited federal gov't State's rights, limited federal gov't Usually lower income Usually lower income Whigs Promoted community values, co- operation Promoted community values, co- operation Willing to use gov't to realize objectives Willing to use gov't to realize objectives Federal Rights Federal Rights Renewed national bank, public schools, internal improvements, etc. Renewed national bank, public schools, internal improvements, etc. Moral Reforms Moral Reforms Prohibition, abolishing slavery Prohibition, abolishing slavery Usually more prosperous Usually more prosperous
Similarities between the 2 parties Both were “Catchall” parties Both were “Catchall” parties Tried to get as many voters to vote for their specific cause Tried to get as many voters to vote for their specific cause Commanded voters from all social classes Commanded voters from all social classes Social Diversity within the parties Geological diversity prevented sectionalism Geological diversity prevented sectionalism Both parties spread across whole country Both parties spread across whole country Temporarily prevented issue of slavery Temporarily prevented issue of slavery Extremely powerful parties that would stay around until before the civil war Extremely powerful parties that would stay around until before the civil war